Subject: [R1/2] White Darkness, alternate ending
From: "Jorge A. Pratt" <>
Date: 6/21/1997, 4:07 PM

Okay, since enough people asked for the "alternate ending," I'm 
posting it directly to the FFML. Although it -is- "brighter" than the 
previous, it remains... well... as a sadfic. Please let me know 
whether I should post the "dark" or the "bright" ending to RAAC.

(Note: The story changes when Ranma-chan gets out from under 
the bridge.)

                        White Darkness

                        by Jorge A. Pratt

Dammit... I don't think I can take this anymore. Man, I... I still 
wake up seeing that bright ball of fire coming right at me and 
Akane. But then I open my eyes and...
        Oh, god...
        The old fool keeps saying I should take it like a man, that 
the heir of the Saotome School should just shrug it off like a minor 
setback. Minor setback my butt... And Mom... I know she wants to 
help me but sometimes she makes me feel like I can't take care of 
        Oh, sure. Expect that bastard Kuno to come and babble 
about how now I'm "weak" because of what happened to me. 
Lucky I still manage to kick him out before he makes the moves on 
Akane. Either that, or Ryouga grabs him and knocks him out real 
good. Heh, Akane told me how they once had to stop him from 
killing Kuno.
        I guess... Ryouga's been a real friend about this. But 
sometimes... don't get me wrong, I really appreciate what he's 
doing, but I think he's helping me out of guilt instead of friendship. 
Why, just the other day I caught him talking to Mom, saying that he 
felt guilty for not helping me and Akane against Saffron. He said 
that all he did was stand aside and watch that brat try to kill us, that 
he didn't do anything while I risked my life to save Akane, and that 
-he- should've been the one to end up like... like the way I am now. 
Damn it Ryouga, must you have -someone- to blame for the bad 
things that happen? You blamed -me- for things like your sense of 
direction, and now you blame yourself for...
        Akane... Oh, Akane... I... Yes, yes, I've told her I love her. 
I've told her lots of times. Funny how it works, huh? Before, I 
couldn't even admit it to myself. Now, after I... ended up like this, I 
can tell her easily.
        But what's the use? I told her, but I... I never got to see 
her smile. From her voice, I could tell she was beginning to cry, 
but... but I never saw anything... And I don't think I ever will... 
because Saffron... It was Saffron's blast that...
        Okay, dammit! I'm blind! BLIND! You happy now?! I 
can't see worth a DAMN! And I don't mean blind like Mousse, 
either. Even if he doesn't have his glasses he sees -something-. But 
not me, uh-huh. Wanna know why? Because of that stupid brat, 
that's why! When we were fighting, right before I got him with my 
revised Hiryuushoutenha, he used this big blast of fire against me 
and Akane. He destroyed a couple of mountains with it, so I guess 
I -was- lucky he missed me. But then he used it a second time, 
and... I was staring right at it.
        Nothing happened during the following two weeks. I just 
felt some itching in my eyes every now and then. But then I began 
to lose my sight. I... I was scared, you know. And it only got worse 
each day, until... well, until I ended up blind. Now all I can see is a 
bright white blur, just like what Saffron's blast looked like. The I 
found out Akane was also...
        Sure, we went to Dr. Tofu's right away. He looked at 
Akane first, because I asked him to. As it turns out, since she had 
her eyes nearly closed, she just got her eyes cloudy for a few 
weeks. He also said that being covered in ice helped her too. But 
when he looked at my eyes... oh, man... he said that I was too close 
to that fireball. Not only did the bright light damaged my eyes, but 
the heat almost burned through my corneas. So, even if my eyes got 
better my corneas would only get worse.
        What really irks me is that the damn curse is actually -
helping- me now. Since I looked at the fireball when I was a guy, 
and I was a girl when it rained Jusendo water afterwards, my girl 
side doesn't have it -that- bad. When I turn into a girl, I see 
shadows moving around me, even if everything else is still a white 
        So yeah, I'm blind for life. And guess what? It made me 
realize who my real friends are. I told you 'bout Kuno. That bastard 
doesn't have a shred of sympathy in that stupid body of his. I don't 
know about Kodachi, though. Ryouga told me they've been 
keeping her away, no telling what she'd do to me or to "the 
pigtailed girl" if she caught me like this.
        Y'think Shampoo or the old ghoul would try to find a 
remedy, right? Think again. Shampoo -did- try to help me, but then 
that mummy said that if I was blind then I wouldn't make a "good 
husband" for her great-granddaughter, and they went off back to 
China again. It's been so long since they left that I think they're 
staying for good this time. On the other hand, Mousse was friendly, 
for once. He said he shouldn't have complain so much about his 
eyesight, because of how I am now.
        Oh, yeah, they were real friendly. I mean, I liked to be 
friends with them, but did I -have- to end up blind? And... besides... 
it doesn't matter anymore. Not after -that-.
        It happened yesterday. It's funny, in a way, since it was 
sort of like our "anniversary," just one year after that failed 
wedding -and eight months after I lost my eyesight completely. I 
was just training in the dojo, trying to work out some of the "blind-
fighting" techniques that I had never been interested in. I was sure 
Akane would just stay in the dining room, watching TV -she had 
just gotten her eyesight back three days ago. But since I wasn't 
used to training like that, I ended up in the floor more than once. 
So, I decided to take it slow. I went around the house towards the 
pond  (hey, I'm blind but I can still walk around some) so I could 
change into a girl and start by working out in shadows. When I got 
there, I heard that the sounds from the TV were kinda muffled, so I 
guessed the dining room's doors were closed. I went and splashed 
my face with water, which was enough for me to change, and 
almost instantly the big blur was a little more defined. I smiled even 
if it was a tiny difference, since it sure was a big help.
        I heard Akane laugh, and I couldn't resist. I loved to hear 
her laugh. I went over to the doors, and I was about to open them 
when I heard it.
        "Thanks for dropping by. With Ranma... like he is right 
now, I was beginning to think I couldn't take it."
        "It's all right. I'm here for you now."
        What the... What was -he- doing here?
        "It's just..." that was Akane, "I'm not so sure anymore. I... 
Oh, Ranma... How will I ever tell him?"
        "Did you speak with your father yet?"
        "Uh-huh. He... he said it was my choice."
        "And what did you choose?"
        "I told him... yes."
        Yes? What did she say "yes" for? What was she taking 
        "So then... the engagement's off?"
        Oh my God... Akane... Please, no...
        "Y-yes... Yes, I'm not engaged to Ranma anymore."
        I just wasn't thinking anymore, and don't you dare joke 
about that. Akane had said she... she had called off our 
engagement! But why?!
        Oh, right, like I didn't know why.
        "Akane!" I yelled when I opened the door. She was there 
all right. As a girl, I could see her shape. Then I noticed who else 
was in there. I was right. It was HIM.
        "R-Ranma!" She moved her head around, like she was 
trying to find something, "I... what're you doing there..."
        "I was just... I walked past and I heard... Akane, did you 
really..." I think I was starting to cry. Dammit! After all that, and I 
was just crying like some weak girl!
        "Oh, Ranma... Please..."
        I didn't want to listen. Her voice told me I had heard it 
right. I don't know what came over me, but before I knew it I 
turned around and leapt over the wall. I don't remember if she 
called me or not. It doesn't matter. I don't feel welcome with her 
        So here I am. I've already been here a whole day, and I 
have no idea how I got here. Maybe I've been here so many times I 
just homed in to the bridge. I got here last night, and I... oh, man, I 
hate this... I cried myself to sleep under the bridge. Just a helpless 
little girl...
        Why, Akane? Why didn't you tell me? I... I guess... I 
should understand why you called it off, but couldn't you have told 
me first? Couldn't you just -talk- to me, for crying out loud? Stupid 
tomboy... I already told you a thousand times that I -do- love you, 
and then you go and... Why?
        I... I think I better get out of here. I don't know what time 
it is, but I can tell it's already late at night. But... I just don't
know where to go now. Stupid Akane...
        I climb over the slope and get onto the bridge. Yeah, it -is- 
pretty late. Maybe it's even midnight. I don't hear anyone around 
me. Oh, what's the use anyway... Go ahead, try to mug a blind girl 
in the middle of the night. I really don't care.
        But Mom... the others are probably worried 'bout me. 
Maybe... maybe I -should- go back-
        No! I -don't- want to be near Akane, at least not for a 
while. Damn it, I'd be a real idiot if I thought I could work 
something out with that tomboy! It's obvious she's made her 
choice. Who'd want to be with a blind jerk that'll just get in the 
way, huh? Who would be that stup-
        What in the--! I jumped out just in time! I hear the sound 
of blades hitting the asphalt of the street, and then I hear something 
coming at me again. Lucky I'm faster as a girl. I just reach all 
around me and grab all eight knives before they even get close.
        "Who's there?! Mousse?!"
        "I see you still have it in you, Ranma-sama."
        Huh? It couldn't be...
        "Konatsu? Konatsu, is that you?"
        "Yes, it's me." Man, he sure knows his ninja business! I 
can't even feel his presence!
        "Sorry I didn't recognize you... You know... Blind and all 
        "I know. But I'm worried, Ranma-sama. I could barely 
recognize -you- ."
        "Me? Why? You're not blind."
        "No, but you've changed, Ranma-sama. You're not the 
same as when I first met you?"
        "What're you talking about?" I ask, "Well, besides that 
I'm a girl right now."
        I hear him sigh, as if he was sad, "Come with me, Ranma-
sama. Someone wants to talk to you."
        He leads me through town for a few minutes. I feels -
really- uncomfortable at having a guy -or crossdresser, for that 
matter-pull my hand like I was some kind of baby. I'm not 
Ryouga, for goodness' sake. I don't get lost that easy.
        After a couple of minutes, we stop. But he doesn't give 
me time to ask anything since he's already opening the door. 
There's light coming from that place, so I manage to walk inside.
        Of all the places... well, it -is- Konatsu. Where -else- 
would he take me to?
        I sense her presence. She's at the grill, as always.
         "Hi, Ranchan. How have you been?"
        "Yo, Ucchan." I walk over to the grill and take a seat. I 
_think_ she's in front of me. "What're you doing up so late?"
        "I was gonna ask you the same thing, sugar. You got 
everyone worried at the dojo."
        "Oh, really? Everyone? Then I guess Akane's new 
boyfriend must be pretty jealous right now."
        "Come on, Ranchan, don't start that," she's cooking an 
okonomiyaki, I can hear it sizzling, "You can't blame anyone for 
what happened."
        "I guess not. But she could've at least told me first! And... 
wait... you -knew- about Akane?"
        "I did, Ranchan. She asked me not to tell you."
        "Oh, great... what'd she do, run an ad in the papers?!"
        "Ranma, calm down. I know this is hard for you... Believe 
me, I really -do- know what it feels like to be dumped like that."
        Uh-oh. That was... Ucchan, I... "I'm sorry, Ucchan. 
Looks... looks like I'm always a jerk to you, ain't I?"
        "You may be a jerk, Ranchan, but I love you." She... she's 
walking around. She's sitting next to me. She's putting an arm 
around me and...
        "You have to be strong, Ranchan. This will be all right."
        "You've always had hope, sugar. Remember, you even 
created a technique from how confident you are. Trust me, it'll be 
all right."
        "But Akane...Ucchan, I..."
        "Akane made her choice, didn't she? Listen to me, 
Ranchan. You HAVE to stop thinking about that. How are you 
going to get better if you keep putting yourself down all the time?"
        "Get better...? What are you..."
        "I've been reading a lot lately, Ranchan. Y'know, I've 
been watching you, and from what I can tell the size of your eyes 
really doesn't change much when you're a boy or a girl do they?"
        "How should I know? I haven't looked in a mirror!"
        "Ranchan, listen to me..."
        I just sigh, "Look, Ucchan, I really don't feel much like 
talking about my eyes, okay? I really have other problems that I 
want to straighten out as soon as possible. Now, where's the 
door- gaah!"
        I never even felt her coming. She just grabbed my 
shoulders and pushed me hard against the wall. "Ucchan, what--?!" 
I try to say.
        "Ranma Saotome, you're going to listen to me and you're 
going to listen NOW. I know you've been through a hell of a 
nightmare these last few weeks, and I won't try to pretend that it 
didn't happen. But right now I'm seeing my fiance crumble like he 
was made of paper. Now, if you don't want to follow my advice, 
fine. Go back to the Tendos' and see if you end up hitched to 
Nabiki or Kasumi. But I'm here to help you, and believe me when I 
say that I'd do -anything- to make sure you got your eyesight back. 
So, will you listen to me or not?"
        "So, as I was saying, I've been reading some Medicine 
books about transplants..."

It's been four years since that day. Mom and the old man moved 
back to our house in the meantime, especially since Akane ended 
the engagement. Oh, that's right, I heard -he- and Akane broke up 
just a few months ago. She couldn't stand how "meek" he was, she 
said. Ucchan tried to comfort her, but Akane had never broken up 
like that before. Hope she gets over him.
        I sure wish I could take the damn bandages off. Dr. Tofu 
said it should take a long time before I could remove them, though, 
and in this case I -am- going to listen to him. Besides, I wouldn't 
want Ucchan getting mad at me for scratching my eyes again.
        It sure has been quiet around the restaurant, though. 
That's strange, especially since the place had been crowded since I 
learned to cook with "a blindfold." Real funny show, especially 
when I change to a girl. That reminds me, my girl side's eyesight is 
getting much better now, thanks. I can already see colors...! Well, 
at least I could... before the operation, that is.
        AARGH! Damn bandages! I can't wait to take them off! I 
wish Ucchan was here. She said I could rip 'em off as soon as she 
arrived from that business meeting.
        Oh, didn't you know? I've been living with Ucchan for the 
last three years. She has been a -really- great help. She wanted me 
to move in so she and Konatsu could teach me about walking and 
moving around while blind. She's been so... so good with me... I 
think I... Could I... Yeah, why not? Maybe I -am- falling in love 
with her... Heh, yeah. After all this time, too...
        "Ranchan, we're back!"
        Great! She's back! Now to tear off these stupid bandages. 
That reminds me, Konatsu has been very quiet for a while too. He's 
barely spoken ever since I got the operation, and even before that. I 
wonder what's wrong with him?
        So... they're walking upstairs... they're stopping at the 
door... they're about to open...
        "Hi, Ranchan!"
        "Yo, Ucchan!" I smile at her even if I can't see her smile 
back, "Can I take them off now?"
        She giggled a bit. God, I love that sound. "Gee, Ranchan, 
you're just like a little kid! Sure, go ahead!"
        She hasn't even finished speaking and I'm already pulling 
them loose. My eyelids and my temples feel a whole lot cooler, 
        "U-Ucchan... I can... I can see light through my eyelids..."
        "Yes, Ranchan."
        "I... I'm going to open them..."
        "Do it, Ranchan."
        I... I open my eyes and...
        "Oh my god... U... Ucchan!" I stand up and hug her as 
soon as I see her. That's right, I SEE her! Oh, man, and she's so 
beautiful! Talk about a sight for sore eyes!
        "The transplant worked," Konatsu said. His face was 
down, but I don't know why.
        "No kidding!" I say, looking all around me. Everything's 
so bright! I mean, I know I gotta get used to the light again, and it 
does hurt a little, but who cares! I can SEE! I hadn't believed that 
this "cornea transplant" surgery could work, but it did! It really did!
        "I'm glad for you, Ranma-sama," Konatsu said.
        Oh, man, am -I- glad too! I just can't help it. They've 
helped me so much with this. I can't stop myself from just running 
at Ucchan and Konatsu like they were my family. And I guess they 
-are-, in a way. After all, Ucchan took me under her wing all this 
time, and she helped me get over Akane when it came to that. It's 
not that she tried to "get to me", mind you. Not Ucchan. I mean, 
she helped me remain as Akane's friend even if she had, well, 
dumped me. She even gave me a job here, so I didn't have to drain -
her- money for my operation. But I know better. I know she 
chipped in for almost all the medical bills. I... I guess I had been a 
real idiot before. She really cares for me a lot, y'know? Maybe... 
maybe I'll tell her tomorrow. Yeah, that's it. Man, is she gonna be 
surprised or what!
        And Konatsu. Oh, man, Konatsu! I feel like he's my 
brother now. Since he's a ninja --or kunoichi, whatever-- he knows 
a lot of blind-fighting tricks and all that, and it really helped, too.
I can even walk on the fence and jump on rooftops again thanks to 
him. Seriously, if he hadn't helped me I'm sure I'd have ended up 
walking off a cliff or something by accident.
        But... I feel a little guilty. I mean, he has never said 
anything, but I know he loves Ucchan. And still he helped me 
recover and all that... Thank you, man. Thanks, Konatsu. I... I 
really mean it.
        "Aw, man..." I'm still hugging them. "I gotta go show the 
others!" So I run out of the room. I never realized Ucchan's house 
was so... big!

                        *       *       *

"Wait, Ranchan!" Ukyou called out as she saw her fiancF run out 
of the room. She knew he was the kind to get all excited about this, 
but then again, who wouldn't. That brought a smile to her face: her 
Ranchan was so much like a kid sometimes.
        "Let him go, Ukyou-sama," she heard Konatsu's somber 
voice behind her. She felt a shiver possess her as she slowly turned 
to face him, her smile slowly disappearing.
        "I... I'm sorry Konatsu. He's just too happy about..." she 
sighed, "He doesn't know."
        "Then let it stay that way, Ukyou-sama," he gently lifted a 
hand to place it on her shoulder. He missed, but then he moved to 
the right and this time found her. Grimacing, she quickly took his 
hand and pulled him close. He didn't object as she hugged him tight.
        "I'm so sorry, Konatsu. I..." She couldn't go on. She just 
buried her face in his shoulder, gently stroking his jet-black 
ponytail. He... he had been so generous, so selfless... Everyone said 
only a madman would do something that stupid. Only a fool would 
give up something so valuable as... as his own eyesight. So what if 
they never found a donor for Ranma, it was still... stupid...
        "Don't worry, Ukyou-sama," he said, smiling, "As long as 
he makes you happy, I'll be all right." He chuckled despite himself, 
"Besides, as a kunoichi, you learn to discard a sense or two..."
        "Oh, Konatsu..." she couldn't smile. She just looked up at 
him, gently fingering the bandage over his eyes. Eyes which would 
never see her smile again.
        But he would see. He would see, through Ranma's eyes.

The Zephyr