Subject: Re: [FFML] Why not Shampoo?
From: "Brendan O'Donnell" <>
Date: 4/29/1997, 12:55 PM
To: Anthony Woo ,

Rudimentry sense of fair play.... BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Get with the program, she's as bad or worse then all the others

what are you refering to here?  To the best of my knowledge Akane has
_not_ fought with any of her rivals except shampoo and kodachi and those
fights weren't about Ranma.
	Also she's the one who doesn't do any sort of schemes to get Ranma.  
Indeed when Nabiki swaped engagements with her all the other rivals went after 
Nabiki, but when Akane thought she made a better fiance she was willing to give 
Ranma up.