Subject: Re: Pools of Horror
From: Anthony Woo
Date: 4/24/1997, 11:59 PM
To: Chan Wei Lik
CC: "'FFML'" <>

On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Chan Wei Lik wrote:

I think I missed a chapter or 2 so this might not apply. But it occurs to me that the curse could be transfered to an animal as well as another person. Wouldn't that make a less dangerous method of curing the cursed?

Well I didn't write the story, but I think that the technique used pulled
the spirit from the cursed person into the user of the technique.  I don't
think the technique included any possiblities for transference.  (for
those of you who didn't understand that clear as mud explanation (I know I
didn't) this means that the spirit goes directly from the cursed person
into the user.  It cannot be used to put it into an animal body because
an animal can't use the technique.)