Subject: Re: [FFML] Ranma and Nabiki
From: "David Eddy" <>
Date: 4/13/1997, 11:13 PM
To: <>, <>

Date: Monday, 14 April 1997 11:24

There've been a lot of fics lately where Nabiki realizes she loves
Ranma, in one way or another.  Hearts of Ice, No Title, Nekophobia.
Is this a rebellion against the Nabiki/Kuno fics, that depend on
a non-existent relationship?

For my part, I did it because I got tired of seeing Nabiki
as a one-dimensional character.

So, I decided to see what would happen if Nabiki decided she 
would like to trip Ranma, since his is after all terminally 
cute (or so I'm told :-).  That quickly evolved into the 
epiphany she experienced in parts 4 and 5 of Nekophobia...
oh, and it wasn't that she was nice all along; it's just
that she finally realised that she disliked herself.
(There's much more to it than this, of course, and I've
skipped a couple of logical steps, but I don't feel like
writing an essay on the topic at the moment.)

After such a fundamental change, she's going to waffle around
a bit as old habits fight with her conscious mind, of course,
and she has yet to begin extricating herself from the web of
relationships that will act to keep her in her old behaviour

David Eddy --