Subject: Re: I wonder. [C&C]
From: "Quek, Kwang-Ee" <>
Date: 2/24/1997, 9:15 AM
Reply-to: wrote:

OK I'll send more feedback next time I see some of your work, glad
you liked my c&c :)


thanks and stay in touch.

	If anyone wants to know, I've nearly completed chapter 3. or actually
finished enough for chapter 3 but may not wish to break up the current
story into parts. like h first one.
(of course, With me spending more time reading other's stories than
writing myself it's a minor mirricle.) 
Perhaps i'm lacking in motivation to write more? PLEASE! people send me
more FUELLLLL! I need *plop*

We are experiencing techinnical difficulties and will be resuming our
programming as it is rectified. please stand by. *click*

(your story sucks, not enought Akane! you also need to tune up the Akane
character more! so get to work!)
(Thank you, thank you I AM ALIVE!) 

WE now resume our normal programming. *click*

Jai nei. and thanks for your crit.


        may the light shine forth young warrior.
        The day is gone and the night is coming,
        let the light shine forth and illuminate the darkness
                don't know where I got that one. don't really care
(at least untill now.) :Q:Q: