Subject: [fanfic][SM/Ranma/RW]SailorMoon Reunion War (updated)
Date: 1/7/1997, 2:53 PM

Hopefully it'll show more this time

Sailor Scouts cast:                  Ronin Warriors: 

Serena=Sailor Moon            Michael Scott `Iceman' Parker of Wildfire
Lita=S Jupiter                      Jarred `Vince Black' Graves of Strata
Mina=S Venus                     Jason `The Giant' Reeves of Torrent
Rei=S Mars                         Michael `Hardhead' McCallaster of Hard Rock
Amy=S Mercury                  Mark `BookWorm' Roudabush of Halo
Susan=S Pluto
Alex=S Uranus
Michelle=S Neptune
Helen=S Saturn
Darien=Tuxedo Mask
Rini=S Chibi-Moon
Akane Saotome=S Terra

This is my first SailorMoon Fanfic so please go easy on me
Standard disclaimer (you know who owns the rights to these idea's so why
should I tell you.)(Also I don't know the exact district the scouts live in do I'm
going to use one that I read about)

             Sailor Moon Reunion War
My story is set for after the story "Thy Inward Love" but is not really tied into
the it and it does not follow what Richard Lawson has wrote so far for Ranma
and crew but consider this a split or a alternate time line now.  It is mainly a Sailor
Moon fic that I thought would be interesting.  The way this fic goes the
following people are related:  (See SMRW notes on Relations)
Now on with the show...


          It was a nice, calm, peaceful day, but that was not going to last...  
Ranma Saotome is talking on the phone with his parents.  "You want me to do
     "You heard me, Ranma.  You're aunt in Osaka is worried about her
daughter, and she wants you to take and visit and look out for her," replied
Genma over the phone.
     "But pop, what about Akane?  Do you know what she's going to say
about all this."
     "Just take her with you.  Your aunt is expecting you and her..."
     Nodoka interrupts Genma and takes over the phone.  "After all we don't
want you to be separated when Serena is now Akane's cousin."
     "Fine, but let me talk to Akane first and tell her whats going on and I'll
call you back. Bye mom and pop," replies Ranma.
     Ranma hangs up the phone and walks out to the Dojo.  Inside is Akane
working out on her kata.  Ranma walks up to her and puts his arms around her
and kisses her on the back on the neck.
     "Mmm.  So what did your parents call you about, Ranma?"
     "My cousin... My aunt in Osaka wants me to come down and keep an
eye on and keep my cousin, Serena, out of trouble.  My aunt is also expecting
you as well," replies Ranma.
     Akane looks a little upset about the news but cheers up when she hears
that she's been invited as well.  "So when do have to leave?"
     Ranma looks into Akane's eyes.  "As soon as you want to, I guess."
     Akane walks over to the wall and grabs her towel and begins to wipe
the sweat off of herself.  "Then you better call you folks back and tell them that
we'll be leaving tomorrow.  By the way how long are we going to be gone
     Ranma walks up and takes her towel and proceeds to wipe the sweat
off of her, himself.  "Well... about a... year."
     Akane looks shocked about this revelation.  "A YEAR!"
     Ranma finishes his task and leaves to call his parents back while Akane
remains in the Dojo completely shocked.  Little do Ranma and Akane know
that this trip will change their lives FOREVER...

                    Chapter One:
               Meetings and Greetings

     One board a train destined for the Osaka district sits Ranma and Akane,
with Akane still looking a little upset and Ranma looking a little depressed.
     Ranma turns to Akane.  "Look, I'm sorry, Akane?  It's just that their
family and you know how I feel when family is involved."
     Akane relinquishes and looks back at Ranma.  "You still should have
told me how long we'd be gone for."  Akane sighs and turns to look out the
     Ranma wraps a arm around Akane whispers into her ear.  "Besides I just
got this bad feeling that this won't be just a simple visit."
     Akane is still looking out the window.  "Just promise me that you
won't start any trouble while we're there and I'll do my best to stay cool, ok."
     "I promise."


     Meanwhile at the Osaka train station a girl, with blond hair with two
ponytails with the tops in a sphere shape, is yelling out and running as if she's
late for an important appointment.  "AAAHHH...  I'm late."
     Another girl with short blue hair interrupts her.  "Late for what, Serena?
     "I'm Late to meet my cousin at the train station, Amy!"
     Amy looks at Serena.  "Umm... Serena didn't you know that you're
already at the train station?  Besides you're not late, in fact you're early cause the
train hasn't yet arrived."
     Serena looks confused.  "I'm early?  How can that be?  My watch says
that I'm 30 minutes late."
     Amy takes a glance at her watch.  "No Serena, in fact you're actually 2
minutes early."
     They are interrupted by another girl with long dark hair.  "Well I'll be...
Meatball head is early for once in her life I see."
     Serena looks like she's about to explode.  "How many times do I have
to tell you, Pyro.., not to call me MEATBALL HEAD!  Only Darien can call me
Meatball Head!"
     Rei covers her ears from Mt. Serena as she explodes.  "Ok, ok.  Geeze
cool down will ya.  And tone down the disables as well."
     Amy interrupts the two because she knows what that it's best to avoid
so much attention that they were getting by the crowd.  "Hey look, there's Lita
and Mina up a head."
     Serena's attention is quickly redirected to a brunette with a ponytail and
a blond with her hair in a red ribbon.  "Hey guys.  What brings you here."
     Lita looks at Mina.  "Looks like you lose this one, Mina."
     Mina looks a little upset but turns her attention towards Serena, Amy,
and Rei walking up to them.  "Oh, hey guys.  We're hear to see what this
cousin of yours looks like.  Do you know what he looks like Serena?"
     Serena looks a little down at the question.  "Not a clue, but I'm told that
he's got a picture of me so he'll know who to look for.  All I know is that he's
an extremely excellent martial artist and he's bringing along some girl with him,
although I can't remember who she is, and he's supposed to have some sort of
     Rei suddenly looks over at Serena.  "Do you say that he's cursed?"
     Serena nods and looks confused.  "I'm told that he's got some strange
curse that came from China, why?"
     "Never mind.  I'll just talk to grandpa about this cause he knows more
about curses and cures."
     Lita takes this opportunity to get a surprised look.  "He's a martial
artist?  What does he do, Serena?"
     Serena taps her head as she concentrates.  "Its supposed to be a rare
form of martial arts, I just can't remember what though.  He's capable to win
any fight he's gotten into, or so my mom says."
     Lita defiantly looks interested in Serena's cousin now.  "Wow, he
sounds like a hunk.  I've defiantly gotta meet this guy."
     Amy interrupts the conversation and points off down the tracks.  "Well
here's his train now, I think."
     The five girls watch as the train pulls into the station unaware that they
are being watched by four sets of eyes.


     What appears to be a guy with short, dirt blond hair looks over at *his*
companions, a girl with aqua-blue hair and a girl with short dark hair and a girl
with dark green hair are watching the scouts.
     The guy looks over at the girl with green hair.  "Tell me again, why
we're watching the inner scouts, Susan."
     Susan looks back at the guy.  "Because Alex, it is important that we be
here and look after them.  Helen, Michelle are you two prepared to do what
needs to be done."
     Helen looks a little nervous.  "But why do we have to do this Susan, I
mean their lives don't need to be flipped upside down."
     Susan gives Helen a despairing look.  "I know but Queen Serenity told
us that they need to remember everything about their past and about Ranma,
Akane and their families of the past."
     "I still think it's too soon for this Susan," replies Michelle.
     "Very well we shall wait until the five meet them." concedes Susan.


     The train doors open up and out steps Ranma and Akane.  Both of
them are looking all over the terminal for Serena.
     "Let me see that picture again, Ranma."
     Ranma hands Akane a picture of Serena in a group shot with her
friends.  Akane looks at the picture then up at a group of girls that are near the
wall of the station.
     "Look over there Ranma.  I think that's her over there.  Strange but I
could swear that I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember where
     Ranma looks over to where Akane's pointing.  "Well lets go over and
say hi then."
     Ranma and Akane walk over to where Serena and the scouts are


     Rei suddenly tenses up and everyone looks at her.
     Serena is the first to speak up.  "Hey Rei you alright? Its as if you've
seen a ghost or something."
     "No, it's just that I feel very powerful force and its coming right at us. 
In fact it's coming from those two over there."  Rei points towards Ranma and


     "Ranma, why is that girl pointing at us?" asks Akane.
     "I don't know but she seems to be a friend of Serena's.  So I guess that
we should take and ask her why." replies Ranma.
     Ranma and Akane walk over to where the scouts are standing watching
the two approach.


     "Don't look now guys but they're coming this way." says Mina.


     Ranma walks right up to Serena.  "Umm... Serena, hi I'm Ranma.  I
believe you're expecting me and Akane."
     Serena looks confused.  "Oh, Umm, yeah that's right.  But, Umm, who's
     "I'm Akane," Akane introduces herself, "I'm this idiots wife.
     The scouts all look at her in complete surprise.  "His WHAT?"
     Ranma looks a little embarrassed about their reactions.  "Yeah, well
you see we got married over the summer."
     Akane elbows him in the gut.  "Can we go some wear to talk in
private?  I believe that there are some things that you need to know about him
but it's a little private."
     Rei speaks up.  "We can go over to my place.  Its on the way to
Serena's home any ways."
     The group leaves the station and walks off to the Hikawa Shrine like
Rei proposed to everyone.


     After about a 15 minute walk they arrive at the shrine.  Upon entering
the shrine they are greeted by Grandpa.
     "Grandpa, I'm back," shouts Rei.
     "Welcome home, Rei.  Oh who are your two new friends here?"
ask Grandpa.
     Ranma walks up to the old man and sticks his hand out and greets
him.  "Hi, I'm Serena's cousin, Ranma Saotome and this is my wife
     Grandpa looks shocked.  "Wife!?!  But you look only about 17
years old."  Then Grandpa looks at Ranma a little strangely.  "Are you
cursed by the way?"
     Ranma is taken back in total shock.  "H... h... how did you know
about that?"
     "Well, you are radiating some sort of bad karma emanating from
yourself." replies Grandpa.
     "I guess I should tell you about myself and what I've been
through."  Ranma takes a deep breath and proceeds to tell them when he
left home a the age of 5, meeting Ukyuo at the age of 6, training in Cat-fu
at 10, his fatal trip to Jyusenkyo at 16, meeting Shampoo and having her
hunting him down, meeting Akane about a month later, his accidental
bathroom meeting with Akane.  In which everyone looked a little surprised
about and Akane gets a little mad at Ranma for telling them that.  Ranma
continues to tell them of all of his fights ad rescue missions to save Akane,
revealing his curse to his mother, the first try to get married to Akane, his
individual encounters with all his other would-be sutures, the trip to the
beach and finally getting married to Akane.
     Meanwhile the Scouts and Grandpa looks at Ranma in complete
     Rei was the first to break the silence.  "You can't be serious.  I
mean turning into a girl and acting completely like a cat after being exposed
to cats for an extend period of time.
     "I wouldn't be to sure of the Rei."
     "What do you mean, Grandpa?  It's completely impossible." replies
     "Believe me Rei, he speaks the truth about Jyusenkyo and Cat-fu. 
Both are, lets say, a complete no." replies Grandpa.  "Well I suspect
that you got some catching up to do with you're cousin so I'll leave all of
you alone so you can discus it."
     "Thanks Grandpa." replies Serena.
     As soon as Grandpa leaves the scouts start asking Ranma and
Akane hundreds of questions.


     As the Scouts grill Ranma and Akane, 5 guys are walking close to
the temple.  Each of the guys are wearing black trench coats of various
     "Does anyone know exactly where we are going to in the first
place.  I mean we didn't exactly come to Japan just to wonder around for
no reason, Scotty." says Jarred.
     "I don't know either, but I'm getting tired of walking all this
distance.  Lets go up there and see if we can get some rest." Scott says as
he points up towards the Hikawa Shrine.


     "Look Alex, it's them." Michelle points towards the 5 in trenches.
     "You right, Michelle.  Let's go get Susan and Helen and tell them that
they're here already."
     Alex and Michelle leave and proceeds to where Susan and Helen are eating


     Rei once again bolts up in shock as she feels a great surge of power and
runs out the door and everyone looks in the direction that she ran.
     "Whats with her?" asks Ranma.
     "I don't know but we had better follow her or she might get into trouble."
replied Mina.


     Mark has sat down at the top of the stairs and has pulled out a book to
read while Michael is doing a little sky watching and Jason just sits down and takes
a load off of his feet.
     Jarred look over at Scott "So know what?"
     "I don't know.  I just need to take and rest for a while.  God knows how
much we've gotten since that incident a few months ago." replies Scott as he leans
back on some of the stairs.
     They are interrupted by a girls shout...


     Upon exiting the Temple, Rei runs over to the steps and see's five guys in
black coats just sitting on the stairs.
     "Who are you?" she yells at them as she runs over to get a better look at


     "Uh, guys.  We have company." Jason says as he points towards Rei.
     "Ah, shit.  I mean we're just sitting here getting some rest, lady.  We are really
tired and we've been walking for god-knows how long and how far!" answered
     "Yeah, so please back off." Jarred replied from where he sat.
     "For you information the names, Rei Hino and this is my Temple and I
sense that you are powerful and most likely evil and I won't have that here."
shouted Rei.
     "Evil?  He guys, is there something that you not telling me?" asked Mark.
     "No, we are not evil.  We're just pissed off , and... hey wait a minute.  Do I
know you cause you look so familiar its not funny." replied Scott.
     "You two? This is defiantly strange." said Rei.
     "It is not as strange as you might think Rei Hino." came a voice from
behind Rei.
     Rei turns around only to see Sailors Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
standing there each with what looks like a grin.


     The Inner Scouts exit the temple just in time to see Sailors Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto standing facing towards Rei and 5 mysterious guys.
     "Pluto.  What are you doing here?" asked Mina


     "Uh, Jarred?" Jason said looking at the group of girls and taking it into
account that trouble just found them again.
     "I get'ch'ya." said Scott before Jarred could reply.  "I think its time we
stopped running and started to kick some major ass, here!  ARMOR OF
WILDFIRE... DOW-JI!!!!!!!!" shouted Scott as tossed off his trench coat.  He
grabbed his left wrist with his right hand and began his transformation.
     "Now lets ROCK!" shouted Michael as he grabbed his Naginata.
     "Hold Ronin's, we wish no fight with you."  Sailor Saturn said as she faced
off  against Strata*.
(*When in Armor form I will call the Ronin Warriors be their Armor's name)
     "She is correct.  We mearly wish to caryout her Majesties command."
replied Pluto.
     Wildfire made a quick glance at all of the girls.  "Oh, and what would that
be, might I ask?"
     "To return your memories to you all." Pluto said as she lowered he Time
     Halo and Strata aimed their weapons at S Pluto.  "Don't try anything
funny.  `Cause we're to tirred to put up with any bullshit." said Strata.