Subject: Re: [FFML] Shortest 'fic Ever
From: Harold Ancell
Date: 1/6/1997, 10:46 AM

   Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 23:34:39 -0600
   From: Richard Lawson <>

   J. D. Farber wrote:
   > >Again, why does having a large family mean that Akane is doing nothing
   > >besides raising the family.  In fact, since Ranma is home all day anyway
   > >running the dojo, it would make more sense that *he* is the one spending
   > >more time raising the kids than Akane.

   > Well, traditionally, women stayed home to take care of the family
   > because they were the only ones that could breastfeed.  Yes, it's
   > sad but true.  After many failed attempts, men just gave up
   > trying to get anything to come out of their nipples.  I know from
   > personal experance.  However, now, with Ranma's special curse,
   > Akane is free to pursue a carrer right after birth, and the young
   > tot can still get the healthy breast milk soooo conducive to good
   > health early in life.

   > Akane: Ranma, my nipples are aching.  Would you mind feeding 
   > little Toshihiro?

   > Ranma: grumble grumble mutter <SPLASH!!> mutter mutter grumble.

   Uh, unfortunately, only women have just or are about to give birth can
   lactate.  So Ranma would be nothing more than a living pacifier.

I think we know enough about how this is triggered to cause lactation

And you can always invoke the magic of Jyuusenkyo; remmeber that women
who live in close proximity tend to cycle together (if they aren't on
birth control pills)....

   But your point about Akane being able to pursue her career after birth
   is right on.  Babies don't have to breast-feed.  Akane could work on a
   career during and very soon after her pregnancy.  Even if she had twelve

It's healthier to breast feed, though.  And we're talking about her
being pregnant for a solid decade, assuming no twins, etc.

   Of course, having twelve kids isn't socially responsible.  

The Earth is far from it's carriing capacity, and Japan itself is
suffering a very bad birth dearth.  They are very worried about their
rapidly aging population (it's going to be 25% real soon), so for
Japan, having 12 kids could be arguablely quite socially responsible.

   This is all a little deep for a silly piece of spam.  All I meant is
   that Ranma and Akane loved each other so much that they decided to share
   that love with a large family.

That I think we can all support.  "Cheaper By The Dozen", eh?

   > <Hey, Lawson.  Anything new in the works?  Like maybe more with 
   > Kentaro and Ranma?

   Well, I *have* written a third Ranma/Kentaro story, and have plans for a
   fourth.  However, they are more for my own edification than anything
   else - I don't intend to publish them.  I'm just interested to see what
   kind of conclusion I can bring to this particular version of the
   Ranmaverse.  They don't cover anything particularly deep, or new.  You
   know me; just emotional, angst-driven stuff.

I think we'd still like to see them....

					- Harold