Subject: "Wishing Upon the Same Star" Part 5 Page 1
From: fcasper
Date: 10/22/1996, 3:31 PM


5:30 P.M.


	Akane's hand sliced through five bricks and split them all 
cleanly in two.  Unfortunately her hand only came to rest against 
the sixth brick, which remained unbroken.  


	Akane fell to her knees on the gym floor and sighs in 
frustration at her failure.  The second of many today.  First she tried 
to make a lunch Ranma would finally like only to have that jerk 
insult her.  Then she and Kasumi had gone over a recipe for curry 
that seemed simple but ended up tasting like styrofoam.  Akane 
decided she had done enough damage to Kasumi's kitchen, much to 
the joy of her dad and Mr. Saotome. She changed into her gi and 
headed down to the doujou to release her frustrations through 
training.  Now she couldn't even do that right.  The last brick
she had failed to demolish seemed to mock her as it smugly 
remained intact.  At least until Akane lifted her hand and smashed it 
to pieces in a fit of frustration. 

	"Akane!  Dinner will be ready in a few minutes!"  
Kasumi's voice called.

	"I'm coming!" Akane picked her bricks up, dumped them in 
the garbage and walked out of the gym, turning off the lights as she 
passed the switch.  She walked past her Dad and Mr. Saotome as she 
headed upstairs to change from her training gi into some regular 

	"Ranma should have been home by now...."  Akane 
worried as she walked towards her room.  "I hope Happosai hasn't
done anything to hurt him...."

	She paused in front of her sister Nabiki's door and decided 
to ask her.  She knocked on the door.

	"It's open!"  Nabiki's voice called out.

	Akane walked into her sister's room.  Nabiki was lying on 
her front in her bed, wearing a pair of tight white shorts and a sky 
blue tank top shirt.  She seemed to be in a very good mood as she 
lazily curled one of her legs back and forth and her right hand rested 
on her cheek to support her chin as she read her manga.

	"What's up sis?"  Nabiki said without looking up.

	"I just wondered if....that is....I heard you saw Ranma and 
Happosai earlier today?"

 	"Yep.  Saw the whole thing though my homeroom window.
Ranma was unconscious and when it started to rain and he changed 
into a she.  Happosai showed up out of nowhere and tried to carry 
her off.  She woke up, they fought for a while and then Happosai
ran away with Ranma-Chan chasing after him.  That's the last I saw
of them."  Nabiki finished without looking up once from her reading.

	"But that was a long time ago....Shouldn't he be back by 
now?  Akane voice was filled with worry.

	Nabiki finally looked up.  Her lips curled into a sly grin as
she replied  "Why Akane....Don't tell me you're actually WORRIED
about Ranma's welfare? would think you were starting to
think of Ranma as a fiancee....

	Akane's face quickly grow bright red with embarrassment and 
anger as Nabiki continued to smiled mischievously at Akane, 
knowing this question will throw her off balance and possibly have 
her admit something she doesn't want Ranma to know, leading to a 
tidy profit in exchange for her silence.

	"Of....Of course not!"  Akane stammered.  "Why would I 
worry about Ranma?   He's an stupid, insensitive, perverted jerk!

	"That's funny...."  Nabiki hummed.

	"What is?!"  Akane snapped back.

	"Did you ever notice how you keep calling him the SAME 
things every time you insult him?  One would think perverted jerk 
was your pet nickname for him....  Nabiki remarked.

	"WHAT?!?!"  Akane shrieked in disbelief.

	"....and him calling you an uncute tomboy is his way of 
saying he loves you.  Nabiki added, enjoying Akane's reactions to her

	"What about him stringing Ukyou and Shampoo along?!  
I suppose he does that to let me know he prefers me!  Akane 
replied sarcastically.  

	Nabiki shrugged.  "Hey, you never know....

	"Get real Nabiki!  I sooner marry Kunou than a idiot like 
Ranma any day!"  Akane stubbornly retorted.  Then she covered her
mouth as she realized what she had just said and who she said it to.

	"I mean....!"  Akane tried to backtrack.

	"I'll be sure to tell Kunou-Chan you said that."  Nabiki said 
matter of factly.

	"Y....You'd better not!"  Akane warned.

	Nabiki looked at her sister for a long moment and then 
smiled wryly.
	"Okay, I won't.  I'm feeling generous today."

	Akane blinked in surprise.  "Really?"  she said, amazed.

	"Yeah.  Consider it an apology for pulling that prank on 
you with Kunou during class.  Nabiki replied.

	Akane frowned.  She had almost forgotten about that.  "I 
still owe you for that."  She muttered.

	"Not any more.  We're even now, remember?"  Nabiki 
pointed out, her attention returning to her manga. 
	"Fine then.  Dinner will be ready in a few minutes."  
Akane mentioned as she walked out the door.

	"Thanks.  I'll be down a little later."  Nabiki replied, 
without looking up.

	The door shut behind Akane and Nabiki put the manga 
down and rolled over on her back, placing her hands behind her head.  
She could barely contain her excitement at having Ranma completely 
under her control.  Not only could she use him to gain enormous 
amounts of profit for an entire month.  She loved the idea of having 
a male completely under her power.

	Not that she would use him in a sexual manner.  Ranma's
attitude, his engagement to Akane and the fact he changed into a 
girl effectively prevented Nabiki from thinking of him that way.  
While he was handsome and strong as a male, something she could
use to her advantage with her female clients, she wouldn't dare 
push it that far with herself.  Even Ranma could only be pushed so 

	Still, Nabiki couldn't help but feel a thrill at having Ranma 
to herself and she could hardly wait till tomorrow for the fun to 


	Nabiki rolled over on the bed and stretched out her arm to
pick up the cradle of her phone.


	"It's me, boss."  Nabiki recognized the voice belonging to 
her trusted friend, Ami.

	"Hey Ami.  Where's this week's batch of photos?  I've 
been waiting for you to come for a hour now."  Nabiki voice was
slightly on edge.

	"I' bad news boss."  Ami nervously began.

	Instantly Nabiki's demeanor changed from lazy to 
professional as her business sense took over her daydreams of her
soon-to-be-slave Ranma.

	"Give it to me straight, Ami."

	"It was Ukyou.  She ambushed me in the photomat and took
all of the film.  There was nothing I could do."	

	Nabiki paled.  "A....All the film?"  she whispered in 

	"All six rolls."  Ami replied sadly.

	Nabiki felt her heart plummet.  An entire week's work of 
profit down the drain.  Plus her opportunity to have Ranma for a 

	All shot to hell....  

	A flush of rage filled Nabiki's cheeks.  "Who the hell does 
Ukyou think she is to interfere in my business!"  Nabiki hissed into 
the phone as she gripped the cradle tighter, seething with silent rage.

	"Boss?"  There's more...."  Ami continued.  "Ukyou told me 
to tell you if you try anything else on Ranma, you'll answer to her."

	Nabiki's anger abruptly subsided for a moment.  "How did 
Ukyou find out about the photos? Unless....Ranma told her." 

	"Boss?"  Ami inquired?

	"Just a second."  Nabiki said, her mind was racing furiously.  
If Ranma had gone to Ukyou's and complained about being 
blackmailed, Ukyou most certainly would have done something like 
this.  In a way she was lucky Ukyou had found out about the photos.  
Kodachi and Shampoo would have wanted blood, her blood.  But 
that still didn't excuse Ukyou from stealing Ranma from her.  She 
would pay....BIG TIME.

	As would Ranma.  "You're stupider than I thought, Ranma, 
if you thought I was going to let you get away with this."  Nabiki 
thought to herself.  "I guess I'm going to have to show Ranma what 
happens to those who cross me...."  She spoke into the phone again. 
"Ami, I want you to get three of your friends and meet me in
front of the Utchan.  DON'T go in.  Bring some paint and two large 
signs.  I'll tell you more when I get there.

	"Whatever you say Boss."  Ami replied.

	Nabiki hung up the phone and went to her closet.  She picked
out a purple sweater and a pair of jeans and placed them on the bed as
she pulled her tank top over her head....

*	*	*	

	Akane sat down at the table, her training gi exchanged for a
modest dress, as she waited for Kasumi's dinner.  It would be 
wonderful of course, with a fantastic taste and everything else that her 
own meals would never become.  Just once she wished she could cook
something edible if not very tasty.  She made a personal vow to herself
to keep practicing that curry recipe....

	Just then Akane heard footsteps come down the stairs and 
looked up to see Nabiki dressed differently.  She walked right over to 
Akane and bluntly said.

	"Ranma's on a date tonight with Shampoo.  He plans to let 
her kiss him as much as she wants and he isn't going to fight back.  
Just thought you'd like to know."
	Akane was speechless as Nabiki walked away and out the 
door.  Then a familiar blue aura began to form around her, her hands 
trembled from the amount of anger in her body.  

	"Dinner's rea...."  Kasumi gasped as she saw her little sister
glowing.  "Oh my!"  

	Akane still hadn't said a word nor moved a single muscle 
but now as her initial reason of shock Akane's fingers begin to 
twitch and her initial reason of shock was rapidly changing into pure 
unconditional rage.  Her aura grew to an incredible intensity as she
slowly rose to her feet and walked upstairs.
	"Akane?  Are you all right?"  Kasumi said in a worried tone 
of voice.

	Akane didn't answer as she went to her room and closed the 
door.  There was a long stretch of silence as Kasumi stared at Akane's
bedroom door.  Then Akane reemerged, once again wearing her gi as she
slowly walked back down the stairs, still glowing bright ocean blue
color as she passed a worried Kasumi and walked towards the gym.  
Kasumi wondered if she should say something when she heard her 
father's voice calling from outside.

	"Did you call dinner Kasumi?"

	"Um....Yes, but...."

	In an instant, Soun and Genma were at the dinner table.  
Their mouths watering with anticipation.  Kasumi shrugged and 
decided to bring it up later as she went back into the kitchen to bring 
her dinner to the table....

	Meanwhile, Akane turned the light on in the gym and calmly 
walked over to her bricks.  She set up no less than ten bricks, and then 
positioned herself in front of the bricks.  She lifted her hand above 
them, held it there for the briefest of moments and then dropped it 
downwards as an inhuman scream of rage emerged from her throat 
that shook the rafters of the gym.


	The hand sliced into the bricks.  This time, there wasn't a 
single one unbroken.  Akane's aura didn't diminish one iota as she
set up ten more bricks and raised her hand to grind them into 

*	*	*

	The sun has almost set completely as Happosai snores loudly 
while nestling between Kodachi's breasts.  Then his sleep was rudely 
interrupted by a loud, almost inhuman scream that echoed throughout 
his room.  Happosai growled in annoyance as he lifted his head and 
yawned.  Then he glanced back down to see Kodachi with her eyes 
closed, her chest rose and fell in a natural rhythm as she slept.  
Happosai, not giving a damn about her breathing rate, watched with 
quiet awe as her full breasts swelled with every breath she took.  
Happosai watched for a while thinking to himself.

	"Such magnificent breasts....How can someone who has no 
sense of humor, have such a great laugh....not to mention beauties 
like these....Hmmmmmm.....

	Happosai quickly shot a look at the door to make sure no 
one was watching him and then he slowly leaned forward, his tongue
mere millimeters away from licking Kodachi's left nipple when 
suddenly her right hand jerked up and grabbed his throat with a death
grip.  Kodachi's eyelids slowly opened and became slits and she sits 
up to look Happosai straight in the eye with a look that could melt 

	"WHAT....ARE....YOU....DOING...."  Kodachi whispered 
coldly, a touch of steel in every syllable.

	"....(rack)....T....Trying to keep you warm?  Happosai offered

hissed, her grip tightening even further.

	"It was cold and perky.......Happy just wanted to....

	Kodachi had heard enough.  "DIE!!!!!"

	Kodachi, who has sufficiently recovered from Shampoo's 
beating the night before, squeezed his throat for all she was worth.
Happosai began to turn blue with the lack of oxygen and decided to 
get some air.  Without warning, he leaned forward and kissed her.

	"AAAAAAAUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"  Kodachi screamed
in horror and disbelief as Happosai used the distraction to free himself
and leapt out the window to the ground below.  Once there, he took 
a few moments to get his wind back and quickly looked behind him 
to see an incensed Kodachi, once again dressed in her leotard, jump 
out the window after him.

	"Well I'm glad to see you're feeling better!"  Happosai said 
in a cheerful voice as Kodachi desperately tried to slice and dice him
with her ribbon.  "Are you ready to begin training for Shampoo?"
he asked.

	Kodachi didn't answer, every fiber of her being determined 
to see this withered old man die and die painfully.  She gave up on 
the ribbon and attacked Happosai with her Thousand Club Strike.  
She manages to strike Happosai several times but to her utter 
frustration, no blood is spilt.   Unknown to them, Genma and Soun 
watch the battle from the living room.

	"So it was Kunou's sister that the master found and healed."
Genma noted.

	"It seems the master has made a new friend."  Soun said as 
he concentrated on the fight.  The master was toying with her, he was
waiting until her rage and adrenaline rush ran empty, then she 
would be exhausted and at the master's mercy.  He knew the process 
all too well.... 

	"What are you two morons looking at?!  This is private, get 
lost before I make you wash my panties again!"  Happosai berated 
them even as Kodachi continued to lash out with her clubs.

	"Y..Y..Yes master!  So sorry master!"  They both stuttered 
with fear and instantly looked away.   

	Meanwhile, Kodachi began to tire from repeated attempts 
to kill Happosai.  She had to stop and take a moment to catch her 
breath.  As she did, Happosai snapped into action and touched 
several pressure points on her back, rendering her immobile.  Her 
face was a mask of rage as she struggled to move her body only to 
have Happosai sit on her chest and smile down at her.  

	"How does it feel to be paralyzed?"  Happosai taunted, giving
Kodachi a taste of her own medicine.  "You're probably wondering 
why I'm not bleeding all over the place right?  Well there's a good 
reason for that....

	He held out his hand and showed it to her.  In it were all 
of the hidden spikes contained in her clubs.  Kodachi's eyes were 
wide with shock.  No wonder she hadn't been able to cut him!  He 
had removed the spikes as she thrust her clubs at him.  Such a 
display of speed and skill was nothing sort of incredible and for the
first time she felt a growing respect for the old lech's abilities.

	"Well look at this!  Happosai proclaimed with glee.  "I just 
plucked the thorns from a black rose!  BWAHAHAHAHA!!!"  He
laughed as he looked down at her face.  "I'll bet you've like to be
that fast, wouldn't you?" 

	Kodachi nodded weakly, unable to do much else.

	"Well now, I'll be happy to train you....but you must do 
something for me in return.  Happosai grinned lecherously.

	"If you mean what I THINK you mean....!"  Kodachi tried
to sound as menacing as she could while paralyzed.  

	"I need you to do battle for me."  Happosai said matter of 

	"Battle?"  a confused Kodachi replied.

	"It was something I taught your brother as well.  It greatly 
improved his speed and can also improve yours."  Happosai said.

	Kodachi considered his words.  "Brother dear DID mention 
something about being trained by this old degenerate and he has 
always been faster than me with that damnable bokken of his ever 
since....But how can I trust someone who undressed me and did who 
knows what to me while I was injured and then have the audacity to 
use my breasts for a pillow?!?"  

	"Well?  What do you say?  Is it a deal?"  Happosai prodded.

	Kodachi's eyes narrowed.  "What you have said interests 
me...but I have yet to see the proof of your claim....and the catch."  
she replied in an icy tone.

	"Ahhhhh......well now.......The question is.......How badly 
do you want to avenge yourself against Shampoo?"  Happosai slyly

	Kodachi glowered in silent fury but realized he has her over 
a barrel.  She sighed in defeat.

	"As you wish.  Who do you require me to vanquish in return 
for your help?"  Kodachi asked in a sullen tone of voice.

	"Actually, it will be several people.  Dozens even."  Happosai
calmly replied.

	"DOZENS!?!?"  Kodachi was incredulous.

	"No one a martial artist of your caliber can't handle...."  
Happosai said reassuringly.

	"Then why don't you fight them yourself?  Kodachi said 
suspiciously.  "Too old?  Arthritis slowing you down?" 

	Happosai frowned, pulled out a lit Happodakrin and held it 
in front of Kodachi's face.

	"Be careful what you say to me.  I'm a kempo MASTER."
Happosai threatened.

	Kodachi didn't flinch as she blew out the fuse with one 
breath.  Happosai blinked at the suddenly defused bomb.

	"How did you do that?"  Happosai was perplexed.

	"I have strong lungs.  Now answer my question."  Kodachi
snapped, impatient for answers.  

	"Very well."  Happosai assumed a serious look and  took a 
deep breath.  "Allow me to be blunt.  I need you to provide cover for 
me while I undertake my dangerous yet oh-so-rewarding mission of 

	"Cease your mindless chatter and get to the point!"  Kodachi

	"Hold your horses!  I'm getting to it!"  Happosai growled 
with irritation.  "I need you to protect me from the hoard of high 
school girls while I steal their panties!

	Kodachi blinks.  Then her face becomes distorted with 
rage as the full impact of his request hits her.

	"You....You expect me....The Black Rose of St. Hebekin
High School....The rising young star of Rhythmic Gymnastics....
to become....A PANTY THIEF!?!?!

	"Of course not you idiot!  I will be stealing the panties.  
YOU will be watching my back to make sure no one can stop me."
Happosai corrected her.

	"I see.  Allow me to rephrase my previous sentence."  
Kodachi took a deep breath and screamed.  "YOU EXPECT ME TO 

	"Not if you want Ranma and Shampoo to elope and move 
to China, waking up every morning, in each other's arms, in 
exhausted marital bliss..... "  Happosai taunted her.

	"Stop it!"  Kodachi shouted.

	"....Shampoo screaming in ecstasy as Ranma lovingly 
fondles her...."  Happosai continued mercilessly.

	"STOP IT!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!"  Kodachi began to sob and
tears ran down her cheeks.  "ALL RIGHT!!!  (sobs) All right.  I'll 
agree to your terms, so long as you help me get my Ranma-Sama 

	"Great!  We're going to make a great team, you and I...."
Happosai happily said as he nuzzled her breasts, causing her to 
cringe in disgust.	

	"Can you please release me now?  I wish to return home and
prepare for the coming battle."

	"Sure, sure.  Just be back here at dawn!"  Happosai touched
some more pressure points on her back and Kodachi found she could
move again.  Just then, Genma called out to Happosai.

	"Master, your food is getting cold!  Can I eat it if you're not 
going to?"  Genma asked hopefully.

	Happosai turned to face his former student.  "Don't even 
think about it!  That food is mi....ARRRGH!!!"

	Kodachi used the momentary distraction to lasso Happosai 
with her ribbon and then repeatedly smash him against the side of the
house.  After 500 more such strikes, she finally stopped, causing 
Happosai to slowly slide down the wall.  She glared down at 
Happosai's prone form, a smile forming on her lips.)

	"I hope THAT teaches you to treat me like a lady!"  Kodachi 

	Happosai, whom was in great pain, weakly nods in 
agreement as he passed out.  Then Kodachi turned to Genma and 
bowed to him.

	"Thank you for your help, father.  I shall make a fine bride 
for your son and bring honor to both our families.  Kodachi said 
solemnly as she bounced away through the gate, her laughter echoing 
as she did so.  Soun turned to Genma and frowned.

	"Did she say SHE was marrying your son, Saotome?  Soun
glared at his friend.

	"Well...."  Genma began.

	"And correct me if I'm wrong but did she just call you 

	Sensing Soun's demon head was about to be released, 
Genma quickly replied.  "I just felt sorry for her being tormented by
the master!  Her being my daughter and marrying my son is her 
fantasy not mine!"

	Soun seemed to calm down.  "Are you sure?"  he asked 

	"Tendo, do you really think I'm willing to marry Ranma
off to any girl I meet?"  Genma asked good-naturedly.

	"Well there was Ukyou...."  Soun began.

	"Ummm....well...."  Genma stumbled.

	"And there was that martial arts take out girl...."  Soun said

	"...T..That was....."  Genma started sweating profusely.

	"As well as that bearded gentleman...."  Soun continued.

	"I....I think I hear the phone ringing...."  Genma rushed back 
into the house and breathed a sigh of relief.  Then he was startled to 
hear that the phone WAS actually ringing.  He went over to it and 


	"Uh....Hi, Mr. Saotome.  Is Akane there?"  a slightly nervous 
voice answered.

	"She's in the gym.  I think she's mad about something but I
don't know what.   

	"Really?"  the voice sounded surprised.  " you 
think I could speak to her?

	"Sure.  Who is this?"  Genma inquired.

	"I...It's Ryouga Hibiki."  Ryouga replied in a timid voice.

	"I'll go tell her."

	Genma walked towards the gymnasium and peered inside.  
The doujou floor was covered with broken pieces of cement as Akane
was setting up ten more bricks up and preparing to smash them.  She
had a blue aura surrounding her.

	"A....Akane?"  Genma gasped in surprise.

	Akane paused in her descent and turned around to face 
Genma.  Her eyes flickered with fire as she said.  "WHAT."

	Genma quickly backed away.  "N....Nothing!"  he said as he
retreated from Akane's fearsome presence.  He walked back over to 
the phone and said.

	"She' at the moment.  Do you want to leave a
message?"  he offered.

	"Um....just tell her I called and I want to speak to 
her at her earliest convenience.  Thanks."  Ryouga replied.

	"Wait!  Where can she call...."


	""  Genma looked at the phone, then shrugged and 
hung up.

	"I tried to tell him...." Genma muttered to himself as he 
walked back outside....
*	*	*

8:00 P.M.

	The sky was now a ruddy orange color as the sun set in the 
east.   Mousse stood in the back alley of the Nekohanten as he faced 
off against his most hated enemy.

	"This time you die for sure."  he promised, his glasses 
reflecting the orange sky as he thrust his sleeve out.  A single blade 
attached to a rope shot out in an instant.  It snaked around the 
figure's throat and tightened immediately, crushing it.  Then the rope
suddenly burst into flames, the flames swiftly flickered across the 
rope until they reached Ranma's head and it was aflame.  Mousse 
grinned sadistically as he watched Ranma's hair and face melt before
his eyes and then with a savage jerk he ripped the head from it's body
and it sailed high into the air.  As it began it's descent, Mousse
raised his other sleeve and a chain flew out to violently whip the
severed head, keeping it in the air.  He did this twice more, balancing
it with his chain until with a flourish, Mousse drove the chain directly
into the center of the head, causing it to explode into a billion
pieces.  Then Mousse set his gaze on the body, still burning to death
and with a  sudden series of thrusts, Mousse used his chain to strike
several key points on the body.  A moment later, it too exploded, pieces
falling to the ground and continuing to burn to ashes.

	Mousse raised his glasses to his forehead and gazed at the 
burning hulk with satisfaction as he softly whispered.

	"Yippee Ki Yay Mother...."


	Mousse quickly glanced behind him to see Cologne with an 
angry look on her face.  "Mousse you idiot!  I send you out here to 
sprinkle water on the sidewalk and here you are making a big mess 
with fire and straw!"  She pointed at the straw remains of what had 
once been a dummy of Ranma Saotome.  

	"Sorry."  Mousse said sheepishly.

	"Clean up this mess and get in here!  With Shampoo going 
on a date with Ranma I need your help more than ever.  You should 
be grateful I allowed you to turn back into a human after that stunt 
you pulled earlier today!  Now move it!

	Mousse quickly went down on his knees and started picking
up the burnt remains of straw, placing them in the trash as he did 
so.  He did this for a few moments before he felt Cologne's staff rap 
him in the head again.

	"What!  I'm doing it as fast as I can!"  Mousse growled at
Cologne as he placed another bit in the trash can.

	"Put your glasses on you fool!"  Cologne yelled in his ear.

	Mousse slipped his glasses on and began to sweat profusely.  
He had been placing the straw on the doorstep, missing the trashcan
by a wide margin.  "Oops."  he offered weakly, shrugging as he did 

	Cologne sighed to herself.  "Just leave it and come inside.  I
don't know why I continue to tolerate you around here...."  she 
muttered as she bounced back inside on her staff.

	"Because I work for free and you're too cheap to hire anyone
else, you dried up monkey."  Mousse muttered under his breath.  A 
moment later he found his face plastered against the doorframe by 
Cologne's staff as she replied.  "I heard that!"  As Mousse slumped to
the floor, Cologne made her way to her room and opened the door.  
Inside Shampoo was getting ready for her date.  She had decided not to
be subtle and she currently was wearing an extremely tight chinese 
dress with long slits down both sides, showing plenty of her thighs as
she applied some pink lipstick to his pouting lips.  Cologne cleared 
her throat and Shampoo turned around and stood up to face her.

	"Great Grandmother!  You like?"  She turned around in a 

	"It will suffice.  Granddaughter, are you certain this is a 
good idea?  Going on a date with Son-In-Law without a purpose 
seems futile.  He will only avoid you.

	"Ranma promise to let Shampoo kiss him all she wants!"
Shampoo replied excitedly as she applied some perfume to her neck,
guaranteed to make a boy take notice. 

	 "But will he enjoy it as much as you, Shampoo?"  Cologne

	"Ranma just shy.  Shampoo make Ranma love, just you 
wait!"  Shampoo replied firmly as she reached for her purse.  "Is 
good?"  she asked as she spun around again.

	Cologne reluctantly nodded.  "I wish you luck in your 

	"Thank you!"  Shampoo cheerfully exclaimed as she walked
out into the dining area to wait for Ranma.  Immediately every male
in the room began to whistle at her and drool over her impressive 
figure.  Shampoo smiled as she dreamed of Ranma having the same 
reaction while all of the girls in the room smacked their boyfriends for
looking at another woman.  Shampoo took a seat away from the rest 
of the crowd and crossed one leg over her other, earning another 
round of wolf whistles and loud smacks as her thigh was exposed.  
She squirmed in her seat as she impatiently awaited Ranma's 
presence, her mind full of images of her kissing Ranma over and over

	"Oh Ai Ren....Come take Shampoo to date!"