Subject: [Comment] [Fanfic] Needs and Desires - Thy Inward Love : Side Story (Revised)
From: (Trisha Lynn Sebastian)
Date: 8/21/1996, 8:21 PM

This goes to the author as well as all the folx
who originally didn't like it.

Someone once told me that the best
literary sex didn't necessarily focus
on what happened rather than what the 
character's feelings were while it was happening.

In addition, it should explore the issues
that need exploring, like "safe sex" and
AIDS and other STD's.

Add to that the fact that without some
form of humor, the whole thing reads like
a script for a soft core porn movie.

Mr. Lawson, I love this fic, I think
you finally finished it and to all of you who
don't like it, "TTTHHHHBBBBPPPTTTT!!!"

Foxtrot the Furryous, BTFH