Subject: Mikado Ichiban 7
From: ejones@nero.FineArts.UVic.CA (Eric Jones)
Date: 8/18/1996, 6:10 PM

Here's the next installment.  Had this written a while ago so no, it's 
not Eric being a responsible writer..  yet.  :)


(Night time, at Chance's apartment.  Chance stumbles in, rubbing his
eyes, and throwing some type of goggles off to one side.)

Chance: What a day...  That operation is definately not getting onto
the records..

(Chance picks up a small clipboard, and looks over it.)

Chance: (thought) Hmm, the roster for bodyguard duty was...  No one?
(sweat drop forms on his head)  Hmm, hope things went better for the
boss than they did for me today...


(scene fades to black, theme music starts playing.)

(An series of images flash (to the drum beat of the theme song) on the
screen: first one of Mikado, then one of Azusa, followed by a group
picture of Phrank, Josie, Mikami, and the Man wearing sunglasses.  It
flashes one more time, showing a picture of Mikado being hounded by a
short, brown-haired girl as Chance looks on in the background.  It is
replaced with a slow pan of Kolkhoz High School, the sun sparkling in
the background.  Mikado skates by, graceful and calm as a horde of
females follow him.  Josie is cheering in the background, while Phank
is sitting down, looking at her wistfully. The scene changes to an ice
rink, where Mikado and Azusa are fighting against a large group of
people. Noticeable characters are Ranma, the man in sunglasses, and a
boyish- looking teenager wearing a jacket with the letters 'SC'
emblazed on them. Azusa breaks off from the fight to pick up a coin
that was dropped on the ice, and all of the skaters descend upon
Mikado.  Nabiki grins up in the stands.  This scene ends, and the
camera opens on Mikado posing. Azusa jumps onscreen, hugging on to him
tightly.  The animation stops with Mikado trying to get away from
Azusa, who is pulling at the tie he is wearing.  The music stops, and
the screen fades to black.)


Mikado Ichiban: Zembun Otoko! Episode 7 - "Double trouble, squared"
(Tale of Two Mikados pt. 2)

(The screen opens up on a road somewhere in Kolkhoz. The morning sun is
just rising.  Cut to Mikado and Phrank who are together, standing in
the entranceway of a small, rural house.  Mikado is dressed in casual
clothing, and Phrank is dressed up in slightly dressy clothes- a
designer sweater and dress slacks. We can tell who is who, as Phrank is
actually wearing his glasses today.)

Phrank: (dubiously) Mik, I still don't think this going to work..

Mikado: (laughs) Don't be ridiculous.  I thought of this plan, how
could it possibly fail?

(For some reason, Phrank declines to comment)

Mikado: (shrugs) We don't have time for anything else anyways.  Now
come on, (reaches towards Phrank, who instinctively takes a step back)
give me your glasses..

(Phrank reluctantly gives his glasses to Mikado, who takes them, and
puts them on carefully.  He checks himself in a mirror which is set in
the wall, and looks up.)

Mikado: What do you think?

(Phrank ponders for a few seconds, and reaches forward, ruffling
Mikado's hair. Mikado jumps back in shock.)

Mikado: Ahh!  What do you think you're doing?

Phrank: Hey, this was your plan.  It's gotta be perfect..  My style.

Mikado: But..  My hair...  (Gently fingers his hair, like it was an
injured animal.)

Phrank: No buts.  (Messes Mikado's hair up here and there, and then
starts selectively pulling up some hair in little spikes.  He's having
fun with this.) Hey, as you said, it's your idea..

Mikado: I know,  but...  (Fingers his hair again, sighs)

(After a bit more prodding and playing with Mikado's hair, Phrank's
finally happy with it..  Or perhaps he figures he's tortued Mikado
enough.  He steps back, and does a victory gesture.)

Phrank: (grinning savagely) Now you look smooth!

(Mikado shakes his head, and checks his reflection in his mirror.  He
looks somewhat like Phrank, only just a little taller.  A small whimper
escapse him, but then he shakes himself, getting in control. ..well, as
in control as Mikado ever gets.)

Mikado: Or at least proper...  Now Phrank, you're sure he told you to
come to school as you normally would?

Phrank: (nods) Yep, that's what he said.

Mikado: (checking himself in a mirror still) Right, good.  (brief
pause) Oh, so how *do* you normally get to school?

Phrank: By bus..  (something seems to catch Phrank's attention.)

Mikado: (hrms)  Such menial transport..  Oh and Phrank..

Phrank: (coming out of his thoughts)  Yeah?

Mikado: (gives Phrank a suspicious look) Dont try anything funny with

Phrank: (grins goofily, liking the thought) But Mikado, that's all part
of Ryuuken's plan..  (starry-eyed) I have to...

Mikado: (shakes his head) Josie's been caught up in this without
knowing what's really going on.  (pauses)  As a matter of fact, so have
I...  I don't want her confusing the situation more than she already

(Phrank looks dubious, and is about to say something when Mikado
smiles, putting a hand on his shoulder)

Mikado: Phrank, I know how you feel.. There _are_ reasons why I haven't
made any advances with her.

Phrank: (taken aback) Mikado...

Mikado: (winks) And why you don't have any permanent injuries yet.
Don't get too cocky..

(Mikado opens the door, and walks out.  Phrank follows, looking
somewhat shocked)

Phrank: (thought to himself) No way, Mikado might not be completely
selfish after all...  (Shakes his head as a limo pulls up in the
driveway. The driver gets out, and becons to Phrank.  Phrank gets in,
and it takes off.) Nahh, couldn't be..

(Mikado watches Phrank take off, and smiles.  He turns to where the bus
stop is, only to see it leaving.  He runs down the street after it.)


(cut scene, to Chance's op room.  Hudson enters the room, along with

Ferro: I can't believe you're such an idiot..

Hudson: Hey!  It was *my* day off!

Ferro: If you'd have checked the roster, you would've seen that there
had been a small change of plans..

Hudson: Nuh huh, after you decided that you wanted the day off instead!

Ferro: If you hadn't caused that near-riot a few days ago, I wouldn't
have had to have taken it off!

Hudson:  (mutters) Just 'cause you sprained a finger when you tripped
over some people..

Ferro: (shrugs) Let's just drop it.  Let's just see how Chance did on
his own..

(Hudson nods.. resignedly.  They go over and check a computer.)

Ferro: Okee, Chance logged in at 7:00 am and...  went on an info run..
and didn't get back till...  10:00 pm.

(dramatic pause, the onset of sweat beads...)

Hudson: Umm, that leaves us with an unattended employee yesterday..

Ferro: (does some more typing) And an unconscious leader.  He's logged
in as having some serious injuries..

(Hudson looks at the list, and cringes)

Ferro: Great.  Guess this means you'll have get out there quick, and
fix any damage that happened yesterday.

Hudson:  Me?  Hey, it's still my time off!

Ferro: You can't expect *me* to go out on the field, with this finger
injury, do you?

Hudson:  What injury?  You've been typing on that computer for minutes

Ferro: (shifts his eyes) No I wasn't.  (moves his hands from the
keyboard.)  Besides, you need the experience more.  (gets up, pushes
Hudson out of the room, and shuts, then locks, the door)  <with
Homer-esque overtones) Ohhh, full day of netting...

(Outside, Hudson is grumbling)

Hudson: I get no respect 'round here..  And just 'cause I'm the most
junior officer...  (his eyes glint with intent suddenly)  I'll show
them, I'll show them I can do it!!  (a mountain rises behind him, waves
crash against a distant shore, and lightning dances above him, even
though he's inside a building.)  I'll protect Mikado by myself for a
full day, and then they'll have to give me some respect!

(Lightning continues to crash around him, causing some electrical
circuits to blow.  He walks down the hallway, and out of the building.
Meanwhile, back in the op room, Ferro sits in front of the computer,
his face charred, and the screen to his computer smoking.)

Ferro: I really wish he'd stop doing that...


(Cut to the entrance of school.  Mikado (disguised as Phrank) is met by
Ryuuken at the front gate, just as the school bell begins to ring. The
crowds dissapate, moving into the school, leaving Mikado & Ryuuken to
their lonesome.)

Ryuuken: Phrank, just on time..  I was begining to think you might not
show up..

Mikado: (attempting his best meek geek voice) Yeah, well, I kinda got
held up.

Ryuuken: (snorts) Just consider yourself lucky that I'm a patient man.
We have everything set up, all we have to do now is wait for skating

Mikado: (reflectivly) Hmm, that's fifth period, a way's off..

Ryuuken: (arches an eyebrow) You're right, it is..  How did you know

Mikado: (pauses for a few moments, and then laughs nervously.)  H..
hey, after yesterday, how could I forget?

Ryuuken: (muses for a moment, then nods)  Indeed.  And today, it will
be Mikado's turn to have a day he'll never forget...  (grabs Mikado,
and drags him off) Come, we have to solidify our plans..


(Homeroom, around the same time.  Josie is sitting in her desk, as all
the other students are filing in.  Her eyes have that distant, far-off
look, though she is facing towards Mikado's empty desk.  She is holding
a piece of paper in her hands.  She sighs.)

Josie: <thought> I just can't understand him....

(Her eyes shift down to the paper, on which a quick note is written. It
simply says: "To my dearest Josie, I apologize for my rashness
yesterday, I have just been confused.. I know now that all I want is
you..  Please, meet with me after third period, underneath the spruce
tree- you know which one, and I shall prove myself to you.. Eternally
yours, Mikado" Josie looks at the note quizically, shaking her head. 
Things start to go fuzzy)

Mikado:  *what* did I say?

(Josie looks up, it's yesterday.  Her arms are around Mikado, and she's
looking into his eyes hopefully.  He just looks back in confusion.)

Mikado: Josie, I haven't seen you all day..

(Josie's eyes start shivering, she gasps.)

Josie:  <thought>  He's pretending it didn't happen?

(Josie continues to stare at Mikado, who gently pulls her off of him.)

Mikado:  (a small smile crossing his face)  I don't mind the sudden
bursts of attention Josie, but what did you think I'd said?

(Josie just keeps looking at him, face blank.)

Mikado:  Josie?  Josie?

(A hand is put on Josie's shoulder, she looks up in surprise.)

Teacher:  Josie?   ...Oh good, back to the land of the living..  (a
severe frown on his face)  Perhaps you'd like to continue your
daydreaming outside..

(Outside the classroom, Josie stands beside the door, face down to the
floor.  She has her hands cupped together, holding the note.)

Josie:  <thought>  Im happy either way..  I just wish he'd make up his

(At this point, Hudson wanders by.  He pauses to look through a window
in the door to the classroom, sighs dejectedly, and walks off. Josie
looks at him curiosly.)

Josie:  Hmm?  He looks familliar..

(Hudson walks off looking down every hallway he passes by.  He walks
past one hallway, and dissapears down a corner.  Moments later, Phrank
walks by, still dressed up like Mikado.  He's checking a piece of

Phrank: <thought>  In true Mikado style, gotta be skipping classes..
(he laughs to himself, walking carefully down the hall.)  'Kay, now
what was Ryuuken's plan with Mikado again?  I have to go alonglike I
don't know it's going to happen..  (He grins) Oh yeah, the kiss list.. 
(His face falls just as quickly) Damn that's right, Mikado barred me
from doin that...

(Phrank looks up, a translucent image of Mikado, who looks outright
shocked.  This image speaks.)

Mikado: What?  And ruin my reputation as a kisser?  Phrank, if you make
any more trouble.....

(Phrank winces at the memory, his face set in a frown.)

Phrank: Well, it was worth a try...  Guess I'll just wander around...

(Phrank walks off, careful to avoid the hall leading down to his, and
Josie's home room.)


(Scene change.  Azusa is sitting down at her desk in a classroom, a
frown set firmly on her face. The teacher drones off the attendance
list.  Azusa just sits there quietly, thinking to herself.)

Azusa: <thought> Poor widdle San-chan..  What's wrong with him?  If he
does anything kawaiikune, he'll get kicked off the team, and that
means...  That means...

(Just after the teacher calls Azusa's name on the list, Azusa jumps out
of her seat.)

Azusa: (loudly) I have to help my San-Chan!!!

(Azusa zooms off, past the teacher, causing all of his notes to fly up
in the air.  He blinks at the now-opened door a few times.  The scene
now follows Azusa, who's rushing down the hall.)

Azusa: If widdle Azusa saves Mikado, maybe he'll be happy enough to...
Oh, it'd be so kawaii!


(Ad break.  Hudson is wandering around a hall quizically.  Phrank walks
by non-chalantly, right behind him, and off screen.)

(break cuts to black.  A scene pops up, on a view of a planet.  It is
most definately not earth.)

commentator:  Created by the gods, cast from the beings of the void.. 
A planet of many dangers..

(change scenes, an idylic farm.  A tall, beautiful woman dressed all in
black appears.  She cups her hands together, and forms a glowing
crystal.   She tosses the crystal, which explodes the surrounding

woman: We're all going to die, it might as well be now!!

(a new scene, two tall, slow-looking creatures with pointed ears. They
are wearing heavy armour, which have smiley-faces in the centre of
their helmets.  They are surrounded by a horde of smaller beings
weilding swords.)

commentator: A lot of strangers..

small mob of creatures:  Burn the hobglins!  Burn the hobgoblins!

hobgoblin #1: Ya know George, I think they want a fight..

George: (nods) Yeah!  A fight!

(scene cut.  A average-sized man with spiky blonde hair is faced with a
tall, seething dragon.  The man is grinning.)

Commentator: But most importantly...

(The dragon launches itself at the man, who stands there.  The screen
goes black.)

Commentator:  Really cool heroes.

(Sound of a giant explosion going off.  The same scene comes back in.
The dragon is lying in a heap a good distance away, imbedded into a
mountain. The man stands triumphantly, but pauses, and puts a hand to
his forehead.)

Man:  I broke a sweat?  (determinedly) I must train!!

(The man dissapears.  Another creature, green, about 5" tall, with
pointed ears, appears onscreen, holding a staff.  He grins, poses, and
fades out.  A caped man wearing a mask jumps onscreen, poses
stealthily, looks in all directions, and vanishes.  A portly,
curly-haired being with a moustache walks onscreen, and laughs
annoyingly.  He is crushed by a logo, which falls down from the sky.)

DAIRY QUEEN GETS CROWNED --a comic series from the minds of Eric Jones
and Francis Ho.

coming soon..


(A shot of Kolhoz, in all it's panoramic beauty.  A bell goes off, and
students start milling out.  Hudson explores the school grounds,
dressed in casual clothing.  He tries to look inconspicuous as he
wanders around the school, listening in on conversations and looking
every which way, trying to catch a word or glimpse of Mikado.  He stops
suddenly, and snaps his fingers.)

Hudson: <thought> That's right!  He asked us to set up those net traps
two days ago around that clearing..  He'll probably be over there..

(Hudson wanders along a path beside the school, scanning left and
right, heading towards the clearing.  As he gets closer, he hears some
snickering, muffled laughs.  Curious, he creeps through some brush to
see what's going on.  He sees Ryuuken's three accomplices fiddling with
the netting device Phrank had been caught in last episode.)

Accomplice 1 (Hojo): Icing on the cake, dudes..  This makes our plans
for Mikado a little easier.

Accomplice 2 (Makimura): (grins) Yeah, with these babies, keeping those
two together, and out of our hair will be a breeze.

Accomplice 3 (Gato): Yeah, if we knew how they worked...

(Hojo and Makimura stare at Gato.  Hojo scoffs)

Hojo: Minor details.  Don't sweat the small stuff dude.

Hudson: (his voice emanating from all around them) Yeah, a more
important concern would be, how yer gonna live to see the end of the

(The three look around, startled, and back up against each other.
There's a rustling in some bushes, and the screen fades to black.  A
slash goes across the screen, and a few moments of silence.  The scene
fades back in.  Hudson is lying face-down in the dirt.  The three
accomplices are also on the ground, their eyes spinning and looking
generally unconscious.  Hudson stuggles up, and wipes the dust off his

Hudson: That was *almost* cool..


(Inside the school, in a hallway, Phrank checks his watch.)

Phrank: <thought> time to face the music..

(He walks down the hall, takes a deep breath.  He tries to put on a
look of confidence.)

Josie: (from behind)  Mikado?

(Phrank stops, and looks behind himself.  He looks back at Josie
blankly.  He turns around, a nervous smile on his face.)

Phrank: J..Josie!  I didn't expect to see you here...


(Elsewhere, Ryuuken is with Mikado, hiding in some bushes, looking out
into the clearing.  Ryuuken can't keep the grin off of his face, and
Mikado's having a hard time too.)

Ryuuken: This plan is too perfect Phrank.  Once they get here, my
partners have set it up so that Mikado and Josie will be on their own,
for quite some time..  (Turns to face Mikado) Mikado doesn't have a

Mikado: (Mikado's face falls into a frown) <thought> Not at the moment,
anyways.. <speaks up> Yeah, it'll be a slaughter..

(Ryuuken nods, and turns around to look at the clearing.  He frowns, an
eyebrow raising above the level of his sunglasses.)

Ryuuken: Odd, Mikado and Josie should be here by now..  (Looks around
more) And why aren't those fools finishing the preparations?

(Mikado looks around too, looking quite curious himself)

Mikado: <thought> Where in god's name is Phrank?

(A rustling noise is heard, then a scream, Ryuuken and Phrank turn to
look, and see Hudson, his face bandaged up, who tackles Ryuuken to the
ground, wrestles him down so that he's lying face down, and binds his
hands.  He looks up at Mikado, and salutes.)

Hudson: Reporting for duty, Mikado!  Sorry for the delay, but there
were a few guys sneaking around I didn't like the looks of..

(Mikado is shaking his head, and makes silencing gestures.)

Hudson: (looking down at Ryuuken, who is struggling violently) Looks
like I got here just in time too!  Who knows what this guy would've
done to you!  (Tilts his head) Hey boss, what's with all the hand
gestures?  Those aren't ones we've gone over before..

Ryuuken: (getting his face up, he looks over at Mikado, who quickly
stops his gesturing) <a hint of suspicion in his voice> Mikado?

Mikado: (laughing, a hand rubbing the back of his head) Hehh, who me?
No way, just ol' Phrank here...  (Makes a quick gesture to Hudson, but
Hudson walks up to him, with some strange device)

Hudson: Hmm, voice pattern reads the same..  Mikado, that's definately
you!  (Takes the glasses off Mikado's face, tosses them down to the
ground) Won't be needing those, boss..  Geez, did Azusa pound you one
over the noggin again?

Ryuuken: (shaking on the ground, pulling apart the rope his hands are
tied with) MIKADO?

(Mikado takes a step back, as does Hudson. Ryuuken tosses the rope
aside, and leaps to his feet.)

Hudson: (in awe) those were steel-enforced fibers....

(Ryuuken is positively glowing, and no one really seems to like it. He
gives Mikado The Eye, and balls his fists.)

Ryuuken: You've pulled the wool over my eyes for the last time

(Mikado and Hudson take a few more steps back, and then turn, running
pell mell away from the situation.  Ryuuken follows for a few steps,
and then stops.  He looks back at the school, his eyes glinting.)

Ryuuken: Phrank....  You'll pay for this first..

(Ryuuken storms off.  Cut to scene inside the school.  Phrank and Josie
are standing together, alone in one of the hallways.  Phrank is
shifting nervously from side to side, while Josie watches him

Josie: Mikado..  Can't you just tell me what's going on?

Phrank: (he looks over at Josie forlornly, and humms and haws a bit)
<thought>  Damn, what can I tell her?  That I've been lying to her all
along??  (His eyes dart around the hall)  And there's no telling
*where* Ryuuken's pals are hiding..

Josie:  Mikado?  (steps up close to Phrank, looking right up into his

(Phrank takes a step back, and gasps.  He balls his fists, and
convulses slightly.)

Phrank: <thought>  No..  I can't lie to her..  <speaking up>  Josie,
this has all been a mistake...

Ryuuken: <from off-screen>  Do tell.

(Phrank looks up in fear, and Josie turns around, taking a step back.
Ryuuken walks into view, a cool grin on his face.)

Ryuuken: Quite the scam has been going, hasn't there?  Deception and
deceit all around, even among friends...

Josie: (blinks a few times, and looks back to Phrank)  What's he
talking about, Mik..

Ryuuken: <butting in>  Yes, tell us, Phrank, what *is* going on?

(Phank jumps at this, and starts backing away.)

Phrank: Heh, who, me, Phrank?  You're quite mistaken..  I'm Mikado,
can't you tell?

Ryuuken: (slants his eyes, and pulls out the pair of glasses Mikado had
been wearing)  Oh, I can tell all right.  I just met him outside.

(Josie blinks in confusion as Ryuuken tosses the glasses into the air,
they land directly on Phrank's face.  Phrank grins sheepishly, and
backs away. Ryuuken takes a step forward.)

Ryuuken: A rather elborate ruse, Phrank, but you're going to pay for

(Meanwhile, Josie has been getting a nastier and nastier look on her
face..  She leaps forward, knocking Ryuuken out of the way.  She pulls
out the Temporal Hammer (tm).)

Josie:  How dare you toy with me like that?!

(Phrank turns to run just as Josie swings her hammer, which knocks
Phrank in the noggin, sending him flying out of a window, to the school
yard below in a now all-too-familliar arc.  Phrank flies down, flailing
and screaming.)


(Down below, Azusa is scouting about, looking for Mikado in the

Azusa: (peeking into a bush) San-chan?  Are you there?  (stands up,
cups her hands around her mouth)  San-chan!

(She lowers her hands, and looks around, looking dismayed)

Azusa: Ohh, where could San-chan be?  Widdle Azusa has to save him from
being dropped from the team!

(As she says this, a rustling, then a loud *thud* is heard from behind
her.  She turns around, to see Phrank laying on the ground, twitching.)

Azusa:  Ohhh, kawaii!  San-chan!!

(Azusa grabs Phrank by the arm, and skips off merrily towards the ice

Phrank: (shouting as he bumps along behind Azusa) No!  Azusa!  Stop!

Azusa: (ignoring Phrank's pleas, a smile eclipsing most of her face)
Oh, don't worry San-chan!  Widdle Azusa is going to make things all

Phrank: (A worried expression on his face) <thought>  Not like they
could get much worse..


(Ad break:  An SD Phrank and Mikado toss a pair of glasses back and
forth between each other.  Hudson watches on, scratching his head.)

(The break fades out, fade in a black screen. )

Commentator: We always wonder what life would be like if we could just
change one thing of our past..  Unfortunately for some people, they get
actually get a chance to make that change..

(A sparsly furnished room.  Mikado and Chance are there.  Mikado is
holding an odd blue-colored stone.)

Mikado:  What is it?

Chance:  The destiny stone.

(Mikado looks at the stone,  and ponders over it for a few moments.)

Commentator:  Mikado Sanzenin, given the chance to change his life.
What will his wish be?

(Mikado looks like he has a flash of inspiration)

Mikado: I wish..  That Azusa never had her kleptomania problem!

(The screen flashes white, and fades into a scene of Ryouga pondering,
looking up to the sky.)

Ryouga:  Forgive me Akane..  But she has shown me love too...

(The clouds form into Azusa's beaming face.  The scene fades out, and a
series of images appear.  First, Mikado, in a standard student uniform,
being introduced to Ranma's class, Nabiki with a big wad of bills in
one hand, and a set of Mikado pictures in the other, and a final scene,
at a skating rink, with Mikado and Akane paired together, facing off
against Azusa and Ryuuken.)

Commentator: Most of the time, wishes don't come out the way you expect
them to...

Ranma 1/2: Pared Bliss yet another fanfic in the werks by me..
(A possible Alterverse story, John?  :)  )


(Scene opens in a small room, decorated only with a small desk, a few
chairs, and a filing cabinet.  Koichi sits behind the desk, brooding to

Koichi: <thought> One more period until showtime Sanzenin...  Do you
have what it takes?  (He opens a file, and drifts through the papers
inside.) Stojko, Petrenko, Yamaguchi, Browning ....  All have
benefitted from my eye, but none had your talent..  (he sighs, and
mutters aloud) I hope you prove me right, Sanzenin..

(Cut to the ice rink, Azusa is standing beside Phrank, hopping up and
down impatiently.)

Azusa:  No Mikado!  You have to stand with your feet closer together!
(to exemplify, she poses for Phrank, who tries to immitate her.  She
sighs, and shakes her head.)  Mikado, where's your poise gone?  It's
almost like you've forgotten everything...

Phrank:  (thinking to himself) I've remembered more than I ever want to
about these last two days...  But..  I can't just let Mikado lose the

(Azusa slaps Mikado on the back suddenly, pushing him forward across
the ice.)

Azusa: Skate Mikado!  You have to get better!

(Phrank flies across the ice, his arms wheeling as he heads
uncontrollably towards the end of the rink.)

Phrank: WaaahhhHhhH!!

(Phrank collides full force into the wall, and collapses to the ground
in a heap.  Azusa squeals in surprise, and skates over to his side. 
She shakes him, and tries to get him up on his feet.)

Azusa: San-chan!  Get up, get up!!

Phrank: (sitting up weakly, his face slightly bruised) <thought> Mikado
better appreciate this...

(Over to a road somewhere in Kolkhoz.  Mikado, now with Hudson, Drake,
and Ferro in tow, is rushing down the sidewalk, passing by various

Mikado: (yelling at the trio) I can't believe I pay for such service! 
I shouldn't have to rout you out of your little workshop, you should be
near me at all times!  And where is Chance, anyways?

Ferro: (looking at Drake and Hudson, then back at Mikado) Uhh, sorry
sir, that's classified information.. (he says, with an expression which
indicates he hopes that's enough)

Mikado: Classified information?  I'm your employer!

(The trio mumble out a series of lame excuses, and try to mutter their
way out of this conversation.  As they're running along, an old lady
empties a water bucket out on the street, and subsequently drenches
Mikado, who yelps in surprise. Mikado looks quite agitated, and glares
at the woman.)

Mikado: For god's sake be careful with that! (he tosses his hair back,
and runs off again.) <thought> Thank god it was't hot...

(Mikado leaves, heading for Kolkhoz.  Hudson, Drake and Ferro all chase
after him.  Hudson and Drake look at each other as they run along. 
Hudson shrugs.)

Hudson: (whispering) There goes that theory..

(Drake hushes him, and they rush off to Kolkhoz.)

Mikado: (looking at his watch) Fifth period starts soon...

(Back at Kolkhoz High.  The buzzer goes off, and students fan out and
go to their next classes.  Koichi appears out of an office, a notepad
in one hand.  He walks with a determined pace down the hall.)

Koichi: (thought) It will pain me if I have to demote you Sanzenin, but
sometimes greatness needs humiliation more than anything else..  (He
walks out of a door, leading outside)

(Meanwhile, Ryuuken and the three stooges have regrouped near the

Ryuuken: (enraged) This is a total disaster!  the skating test is just
about to start, and Mikado is probably at the rink!

Gato: Damn..  But maybe, we can still cause some problems for him..

Ryuuken: Hmm..  True enough.  Let's get to the rink.  If he's going to
be in the test..  (grins evilly) Why, the test would just be too easy
if we did't intervene.

(The four of them run off, heading towards the ice rink.)

(Cut over to the ice rink, where Phrank is standing, actually on his
feet.  Azusa has her hands clasped together, and has a hopeful
expression on her face.)

Azusa: Ohh San-chan!  I'm so proud of you! (she is hopping around, and,
not able to contain herself, jumps over and hugs Phrank mercilessly.) 
Good luck!!

Phrank: (has a face which reads 'impending doom' all over it.  He
manages a smile) Uhh, yeah, thanks Azusa...

Koichi: (from off-screen) If luck needs to be involved here, I might as
well have not shown.

Phrank: (turns quickly to face Koichi.  He salutes)  D.. Don't worry
Koichi-sama, I'll make you proud.  (thought) I gotta be crazy...

(Up in the stands, Ryuuken and co. have just arrived.  They look down
at the ice in dismay.)

Ryuuken: He did make it..  Damn...

Hojo: Hey no problemo.  We just pull the old switcheroo thing again..
Switch Mikado with Phrank again, so that Phrank is the one on the rink!

Ryuuken: Uh huh.  And I suppose Phrank's just going to walk into the
door right now so we can actually go through with this wonderful plan?

(At this point, Mikado and Drake burst through the doors.  They stop
when they see Ryuuken and co.  Makimura grins)

Makimura: Looks like it.

(The four of them jump forward, three on Ferro, and Ryuuken on Mikado. 
He grabs him by the lapels.)

Ryuuken: You're going through with this whether you want to or not,

(As the three stooges jump at him, Drake looks about to pull a weapon
out, but when he hears Ryuuken's line, he lets them drag him to the

Mikado: (smiles slightly when he sees Ferro crumble.  He sighs
dramatically)  Well, you got me now Ryuuken.  Guess you're just too

Ryuuken: (a shark-like grin on his face) You got that right.

(Ryuuken drags Mikado down to the ice, unaware of the smug grin Mikado
has on his face.  Down on the ice, Koichi had stopped Phrank from
starting his skating routine, not wanting any disturbances.  He taps
his foot patiently as he watches Ryuuken come down the stairs. He
raises an eyebrow when he sees who's following behind him.)

Koichi: Ryuuken, I hope you have an explanation..

Ryuuken: (nodding seriously) I certainly do!  (he points over to
Phrank) This man is an impostor! He's been impersonating Mikado all
along, to ruin his reputation. (attempting seriousness, almost
suceeding in keeping a straight face) For the good of the team, I
wanted to save Mikado's reputation..

Koichi: (doesn't buy it.)  I see.  (Looks over at Mikado) What do you
have to say? Are you the real Mikado?

Mikado: (bows, and pushes Ryuuken aside)  In the flesh, and glad to be
here... (He steps down beside Phrank, and turns back to Ryuuken.) Thank
you so very much for clearing this all up Ryuuken.

(Ryuuken goes a little pale-faced, as he realises exactly what he just
did. Azusa blinks in confusion, but smiles and points to Mikado.)

Azusa: (hops) Kawaii!  That's San-chan for sure!!

Ryuuken: But.. But...

Mikado: (steps out onto the ice) It's been a pleasure Ryuuken, but now
I have to set things straight..

(Mikado begins a skating routine, going backwards around the rink once
before opening a barrage of a pent axel, a triple  axel,  and a double
axel, followed by a series of spins, leaps, and flips. Meanwhile, up in
the stands, Drake, now tied up by the three stooges, sees Mikado on the
ice, and smiles.)

Drake:  (quietly, to himself) Well, guess I can get out of these then..

(Drake gets to his feet, and relaxes all his joints, letting the ropes
slide off. The three stooges are all sharing a bag of popcorn and
watching Mikado skating on the ice.  Ryuuken is just watching on

Makimura: Hey, Phrank's not all that bad..

Gato: (rolls his eyes)  Don't be silly.  That's not Phrank..

Hojo: Yeah, it's the aliens..

(the other two stare at him.  He looks defiant.)

Hojo: Well, what else could explain it?

(Drake looks ready to do something to the trio, but he just shrugs as
they start arguing, and walks off, watching Mikado skate from a
different vantage.  As Mikado skates on, Josie walks into the rink, and
stands beside Ferro.  She has a semi- vacant look in her eyes.)

Drake: (pats her on the shoulder)  Guess someone needs a bit of an

(Josie nods a bit, and as Drake starts to talk again, the screen fades
out slowly.)


(At the stairs leading up to the ice rink.  Hudson, Ferro, and Drake
all salute Mikado, and walk off, leaving Mikado and Josie alone. 
Mikado and Josie stand together, Josie looks a little unhappy.)

Josie: So..  You never said any of those things, did you Mikado?

Mikado: (shakes his head)  I'm sorry, no..

(Josie nods, and hangs her head a little.  Mikado lifts her chin up,
and gestures over to his left, where Phrank is standing.)

Mikado: But don't forget, someone *did* say them...

(Mikado walks off, a small smile on his face.  He looks behind him to
see Josie run over to Phrank. The pair both look a little shy, but
after a few moments, walk off towards the school gates together.)

Mikado: (thought) Hopefully that solves that problem....

(Mikado walks down the steps, humming to himself a bit.  Moments later,
Azusa latches onto his arm, squealing happily.)

Azusa:  San-chan, that was so *kawaii*!  Now you're back on the team!!

Mikado: (hanging his head, suffering Azusa's company)  And others seem
that they'll never end...

(As Phrank and Josie leave, Phrank hears Azusa's commotion, and looks

Phrank: (thought, he recalls Azusa's comments from yesterday: 'That was
so Kawaiikune...  But at least you aren't..')  I wonder if I should
tell him? Nahh, he'll figure it out..


(Inside Koichi's office.  Koichi studies over a piece of paper

Koichi: I had no reason to worry after all..  (he stamps the paper with
a label which reads: 'void'.  The papers say something about cancelling
a 'project AoM'.  Koichi looks contemplative for a few moments, and
shakes his head.)  But he still needs more disipline..


(Cut over to Ryuuken, who is wandering randomly.)

Ryuuken: Over and over, I must suffer such humiliation!  (glows with
rage) Curse you Sanzenin!  One of these days, I will have my revenge!!

(Ryuuken punches out, and his fist collides with a palm tree.  He
blinks a few times, and looks around.)

Ryuuken: Not again...  (crying out)  Where am I now?!

(The camera pulls back, showing the Hawaiian Islands.  The camera pulls
up, showing the stars just appearing in the sky.  Fade to black.)


(Cut to commercial.  When the show comes back on, the credits roll.
Mikado is roller-blading along a road, images of all the other
characters from the show fading in and out from the image.  Time
passes, and the sky slowly gets darker as he skates along.  As the song
comes to a close, Mikado stops skating, and stares out across a bay,
moon reflecting off the water.  The camera rises up, showing Mikado's
face as a constellation in the stars.)


Mikado Ichiban: Zembun Otoko! 
Episode 7 - Double Trouble, Squared 
(Tale of Two Mikados, pt.2)

Written by - Eric Jones 
Based on characters created by - Rumiko Takahashi (of course!) 
Special thanks to - Julie Stevenson
