Subject: [FF] An Exciting Life - Part Three [1st Draft]
From: Cynewulf
Date: 8/5/1996, 4:33 PM
To: Fanfic ML

	Right.  I finally got around to working on this one again.  Now 
that Exciting Life had caught up with Normal Life, I can start releasing 
the two stories simultaneously (well, when I write them, that is.)
	Anyways, here it is.  Hope you like it.  The fight scene at the 
end lasted longer than I intended, but, hey, it'd been so long since I'd 
written one that I had a little fun with it.  C&C always welcome!

	-Mike Noakes
A Fanfic by
Michael Noakes.
(Aug.5th, 1996)

     Right, the story continues.  Don't forget, the flip side of
this little series is 'A Normal Life' and tells the story of the
Ranma from Takahashi's universe.



     Ranma and co. owned by Rumiko Takahashi.
     Story mine.
     Anything else is someone else's stuff.


                          A Normal Life
                          Chapter Three

     (Ranma is walking aimlessly through the mostly-empty streets
of Nerima.  The rain still falls, though it's lost most of the
power of its initial torrent.  The rain is cold, the wind biting,
but she doesn't seem to notice.)
     (She eventually stops beneath a bridge and leans against the
concrete wall, fingers clawing at the stone, head hanging between
her arms.)

Ranma     :(muttering)  What the hell is wrong with me?  So I lost
the fight.  Big deal.  Nobody wins _every_ fight.  He took me by
surprise.  He knew an Amazon technique!  It would've been stupid to
fight someone like that, without knowing more about him.  Yeah. 
(Her voice drops to a whisper.)  Yeah.  So no problem.
     NO!  (Her voice comes out as a strangled yell.  She slams her
fist into the wall.  The concrete cracks and splinters a bit.)  It
_is_ a problem!  I'm a coward!  Pop was right!  I'm making excuses! 
(She pauses and looks down at his hand.  The skin over the knuckles
is raw and torn.)  Ouch.

     (She flips around and leans against the wall with her back. 
She sighs and sinks to the ground.  Little puddles of run-off water
gather at her feet.)

Ranma     :(She looks down at herself.)  Maybe pop was right. 
Maybe this _is_ the right body for me.  A girl.  (She sighs again.) 
Ah, what the hell am I saying?  Like being a girl's any excuse for
losing a fight.  Hell, Shampoo was as good as anyone else I've ever
met.  (She thinks for a moment.)  I wonder what she's doing here in
Japan.  Mousse too.  (Lamp posts flare into life, casting little
pools of wavering light through the rain.  She looks around.) 
Well, I guess I can't stay _here_ all night.  Hope I can find my
way back... home?  Do I even want to go back?  That place's a
nuthouse!  And that Ryoga guy is still probably waiting for me. 
(She frowns.)  And what if he is?  _This_ time, I won't run away!

     (She leaves the confines of the bridge and starts trying to
find her way back to the Tendo dojo.  She wraps her warms around
herself as the cold night winds whip around her.  She picks up the

Ranma     :(thinking to herself as she walks.)  So what am I going
to do?  I'm going to have to take on that Ryoga guy, no matter
what.  I _have_ to, even if it's just to prove to myself that the
last ten years of training havn't been wasted.  I don't know if I
could summon up the confidence for a Moko Takabisha.  (She gives a
little mirthless chuckle.)  Heh.  The way I feel, the Shishi Hoko-
Dan would probably be more appropriate.  At the very least, it'd
probably surprise the hell out of him.  But wouldn't that be going
a bit overboard?  (She pauses in her walking as she considers it a
moment.)  Then again, he _does_ know the Bakusai Ten-Ketsu... so he
should be tough enough to take it.  (She glances down at her
fists.)  My punches sure didn't hurt him much.

     (She resumes walking.  It takes her awhile, but eventually she
figures out the route back to the Tendo Dojo.  She's thoroughly
soaked and caked with mud by the time she's standing before the
front gates.  She eyes the place warily.)
     (Finally coming to a decision, she walks around to the rear of
the residence, and jumps up onto the wall.  Running carefully, she
makes her way along it, then jumps over to the house.)

Ranma     :(Thinking, while running along the roof.)  Right.  Now
if I can just get back to my room without anyone noticing... a good
night's sleep, and I'll deal with everything else in the morning.

     (She pauses as she passes an open window below her.  Was that
her name she'd heard?  With extreme care, she hooks her feet in the
roof's overhanging, and lowers herself before the window.  The
curtains are drawn, but the window is still slightly open.)
     (She can hear people talking within.  It sounds like... what
was her name... Nabiki?  And the other one... her fiancee!...

Nabiki    :Worried, huh?

Akane     :(sounding angry.)  Of course not!  I could care less
where that pervert is!

Nabiki    :Right.  Then why were you just checking his room?

Akane     :Because... because... because I wanted to know if he was
ready to apologise for insulting my cooking!

     (Ranma frowns.  _This_ is his fiancee?)

Nabiki    :Sure.  Whatever you say.  (There's a pause.  Judging
from the silhouettes Ranma can see through the curtain, one of them
is doing leg-raises on the bed.)  Still, it's kinda weird, don't
you think?  Him losing two fights in a row?

Akane     :(now sounding a little worried.)  So he's having a bad
day.  It was bound to happen eventually!  _Everyone_ loses a fight
from time to time.

Nabiki    :Yeah, sure, but Ranma?  And to Ryoga?  Which reminds
me... is he still waiting in the dojo?

Akane     :Yeah.  He said he'd wait till...

     (Ranma reaches up, grabs the edge of the roof, and flips to
her feet.  So... Ryoga was waiting in the dojo, was he?  This...
this was her chance.  She felt ready.  She _had_ to do this, had to
prove that she could defeat him.  Prove it to herself.)
     (She jumps down to the ground, then walks over to the dojo. 
She hesitates before the door, one hand raised to open it.  She
glances down at herself.  Could she beat him, like this?  As a
girl?  Her grip tightens, a look of steely determination enters her
eyes.  No.  No more excuses.  The body didn't matter, only the
skill.  And... and she _had_ to do this.  She throws the door
       (Ryoga's sitting in the middle of the floor, staring at the
open door.  He smirks as Ranma stalks into the dojo.  He slowly
rises to his feet as she strips off her soaked, dirt-encrusted

Ryoga     :So you came back, eh?  Ready to beg for mercy, Saotome? 
Not that it'll save you from your fate.  Maybe you should run away
again... like a _girl_!

Ranma     :(She glares back at him, the look in her eyes never
wavering.)  I don't know what I've done to piss you off, Ryoga.  I
don't care.  But I'm not going to run.  And I'm not going to beg. 
I've had enough of this crap for one day.  I'm tired of holding
back.  If you attack me... (she takes a deep breath) ... I'll hit
you with everything I've got.

Ryoga     :(sneering)  Don't make me laugh, Ranma!  Is that
supposed to scare me?

Ranma     :If you had half a brain, yes.

Ryoga     :(reaches up to his head, pulls off a couple of
bandannas.)  ENOUGH TALK!  Now we finish this once and for all!

Ranma     :FINE!  (She glances around the dojo, then hesitates.) 
But... shouldn't we take this outside?  I wouldn't want this place
to get wrecked...

Ryoga     :(face flushing in fury.)  WHAT?  Is that some kind of
joke?  DIE, RANMA!

     (Ryoga leaps forward, unleashing a volley of twirling
bandanna.  Ranma nimbly dodges to the side, then steps forward. 
She ducks beneath Ryoga's umbrella, letting loose with a kick. 
Ryoga twists away, then turns his dodge into a fierce spinning
backhand.  Ranma blocks it with both her forearms, buckling
slightly beneath the strength of the blow.  She snaps her cross-
block down, ensnaring his wrist in a lock, then, shifting her
weight, throws him over her shoulder.)
     (Ryoga stops the fall with his hands, hand-springing forward
with the momentum, turning and landing smoothly.  Ranma comes
running in with a kick; Ryoga sidesteps and slashes at her with his
umbrella; she ducks on one leg, the other snapping up and striking
him in the wrist.  The umbrella goes flying.  Ranma rolls back as
his fist smashes down and tears a hole in the floor.)

Ranma     :(rising to her feet, thinking)  I'm... I'm doing ok! 
Maybe this guy ain't so tough after all!  I can win this!

Ryoga     :(rubbing his wrist, which feels a little numb.) 
Alright, then.  No more games.

     (The two square off again.  For several moments they size each
other up, neither giving any indication of what they intend.  And

Ryoga     :NOW YOU DIE!

     (Ryoga rushes forward.  Ranma, anticipating the attack, holds
her ground to the last minute, then jumps forward, both feet
extended ahead of her.  Instead of dodging or blocking, though,
Ryoga simply continues his charge.)
     (Ranma's double kick connects.  Her eyes widen as Ryoga
ignores it, grabs her by the torso, and carries her with him.  The
wind is driven from her as he slams her into the wall, crushing her
with his shoulder.  Before she can recover, his right-cross catches
her in the stomach, followed by an uppercut to the jaw as she
slumps forward.  The back of her head bounces off the wall with a
dull thud as it snaps up, then breaks a hole in it as Ryoga smashes
his fist into her face.)
     (Ranma slumps to her knees.  Ryoga back off a step, towering
over her.)

Ryoga     :You're pathetic, Ranma!  (He crescent kicks her in the
side of the head, sending her sprawling.)  You're slow!  (He walks
over to her, then slams his fist into her lower back, driving her
down.)  You're weak!  (He catches a feeble strike from Ranma,
grabbing the arm by the elbow and brutally yanking it behind her.) 
You're _nothing_!  (He swings her around, throwing her across the
dojo.  She smacks into the dojo floor and go sliding till she slams
into the wall.  Her arm twitches once, but her head slumps to her

     (Ryoga walks to the middle of the dojo, not even bothering to
keep his eyes on Ranma.)

Ryoga     :And now I guess it's time to finish this.  (He spins and
faces his fallen foe, who still hasn't moved.  He sneers.)  I can't
believe you beat me all those times!

     (Ryoga stands tall, both hands cupped before him.  He begins
to glow.  A small sphere of energy forms between his fingers,
growing as he continues to feed it.  All his hate, all his
frustration, built over years of tortured wandering and soul-
wrenching loneliness, stoke the fire of his  Shishi Hoko-dan.)
     (And then, once the energy has reached a point where Ryoga can
barely contain it himself...)

Ryoga     :I've saved this for you for a long time, Ranma...

     (He swings his arms back, a shimmering trail left behind in
their wake.  His face contorts with fury and he yells:)

Ryoga     :DIE!

Voice     :Ryoga!  No!

     (The voice cuts through the rage that consumes his mind, but
too late to stop the blast.  The shishi hoko-dan shoots forward...
and strikes several feet to Ranma's right, blowing a gaping hole in
the side of the dojo.)
     (Ryoga staggers for a moment, then spins to face the newcomer,
the expression on his face switching to one of surprise and guilt.)

Ryoga     :A... Akane?

Akane     :What... what do you think you're doing?

Ryoga     :I was... ah, that is... I was, ah...

Voice     :He was fighting.  With me.  And now we're going to
finish it.

     (Ryoga and Akane turn to face the voice.)
     (Ranma slowly hauls herself to her feet, one hand gripping the
wall for support.  One eye is swelled shut, while blood seeps from
her broken nose.  The pain in her back causes her to bend forward
slightly.  Her eyes blaze with fury.)

Akane     :Ranma...

Ryoga     :(He steps forward.  He looks winded from the chi-blast,
but still in good shape.)  I'm not going to fight you, Ranma.  I've
won.  (He jerks his thumb at Akane.)  Just be glad Akane showed

Ranma     :No!  This fight... this fight isn't over yet!

Akane     :But Ranma!  Look at yourself!  You can barely stand!

Ryoga     :I'd listen to her, if I was you.

     (Ranma staggers towards the centre of the dojo, clutching her
lower back as she walks.  She takes up a stance opposite Ryoga, who
shrugs and stands opposite her looking smug and relaxed.)

Akane     :Ranma!  Please... just...

Ranma     :Listen, this is...

Akane     :(cutting her off)... just... be careful, ok?

     (Ranma glances at her, surprised.  Akane backs off and stands
next to the door.  For the first time, Ranma notices that the
others are there as well... Nabiki, Mr. Tendo, Ranma's father as
well, wearing a heavy raincoat.  She also notices that the fight is
leaving the dojo in rough shape - aside from the huge hole in one
wall, through which the wind carried in some of the rain, numerous
gouges and smaller holes had been left by Ryoga's bandannas,
umbrella, and by Ranma's head.)
     (She turns her attention back to the smirking Ryoga.)

Ranma     :(thinking)  This is it.  Cologne always told me I'd have
to learn to let go one day - to fight with everything I've got, to
fight as if my life depended on it.  Fine.  That day is now.  No
more holding back - time to use the techniques she taught me.  (A
jolt of uncertainty jars her.)  But... he's so tough!  The guy's a
monster!  And strong!  (Suddenly recalls something Ryoga said.) 
And yet... I _have_ beat him before... frequently, even.  And if
the other me can do it... then so can I!

  (She smiles slightly.)

Ryoga     :(turning angry)  I'll wipe that smile off your face,

Ranma     :(smiling more)  We'll see, won't we?

     (Ryoga leaps forward.  Ranma stumbles back, the pain in her
back seeming to hinder her.  She barely dodges a series of attacks
from Ryoga.  Ryoga continues to push her back, pressing Ranma
harder and harder, till finally a glancing blow connects,
staggering Ranma.)
     (Ryoga steps in, fist cocked back, ready to unleashing his
strongest punch.)
     (And suddenly, Ranma speeds up.  Seeming unhindered by the
wound to her back, her leg swings up, connecting solidly with
Ryoga's chin.  He stumbles back a step, then another, and another,
as Ranma slams, first a side-thrust, then a spin-kick, and finally
a jump kick, into him, each one unerringly hitting the same spot on
his chest.)
     (Then she steps in closer, attacking with a flurry of punches. 
The speed of the punches increases and increases, and increases,
till finally: )

Ranma     :KASHU TENSHIN-AMAGURIKEN!  Yaaaahhhhh!

     (The speed of her punches achieve a truly phenomenal rate -
yet fail to reach the totally manic speed of the true Chestnut
technique.  The force of the blows, though, is still enough to
drive Ryoga back.  He falls to one knee.)
     (Ranma wipes one arm across her brow, her sleeve coming away
wet with sweat.  She's breathing heavily.)

Ranma     :(thinking)  I... I almost did it.  I almost got it. 
(Takes a deep breath.)  Still... looks like it was enough to stop
this lunatic.

     (And then, Ryoga looks up, smiling viciously.  He stands
easily.  Ranma can't stop herself from gaping at her foe.)

Ryoga     :Heh.  So you've finally woke up, huh?  Good.  I was
worried this was going to be too easy.  

     (Ryoga charges forward again.  Ranma ducks beneath his swing
and unloads another flurry of punches.  Ryoga staggers back a step,
then swings his arm around as Ranma step in.  He catches her in the
shoulder, and she stumbles back.  He leaps for her, and she springs
over and away from him.  She lands, sways for a moment, then
catches herself.)

Ranma     :(thinking)  This isn't working.  Dodging and punching
like that is tiring me out too quickly... and doesn't seem to be
affecting him much.  Faking my injuries worked for one blow - but
I doubt he's stupid enough to fall for it again.  And... and even
if I _could_ let loose with a chi-blast... I doubt it'd match that
shishi hoko-dan he unloaded.  
     I... gotta think of something!

     (Ryoga continues to attack savagely.  Ranma continues to
dodge, but as exhaustion begins to overtake her, her escapes become
narrower and narrower.  The few strikes she manages to land barely
faze Ryoga.)

Ranma     :(thinking)  There's gotta be a away, a way to use his
fighting style against him, some technique of Cologne's he doesn't
already know...  (she suddenly pauses for a second, then jumps back
as Ryoga takes advantage of her hesitation.)  That's it!

     (She lands easily, and prepares to attack, not bothering to
hide her intentions.  Ryoga charges again, and, at the last moment,
she leaps forward, both feet extended for the kick.  Ryoga slams
into her again, carrying her with him.  Before he slams her into
the wall, she kicks her legs up.  Her feet connect with the wall;
she runs up the rough surface, her hands still braced against
Ryoga; as he, himself, smacks into the wall, she twists free and
flips down behind him.)
     (Before he can turn, she yells and pelts his back with a
flurry of punches.  His back buckles for a second, then he spins
with a roar, backhanding her.  She goes flying again, skidding
along the floor and smashing into another wall.)

Ranma     :(thinking)  Alright.  This is it.  I'm too tired to
throw more of those punches.  He still seems in good shape.  If I
don't pull this off... I'm done for.  (Yelling out-loud, without
even bothering to stand up.)  This is where it ends, Ryoga!

     (She extends her arms before her, hands cupped.)

Ranma     :(thinking)  C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...

     (She slowly begins to glow, feebly at first, then gaining in
strength.  A sphere of amber energy begins to grow between her

Ryoga     :(yelling, charging.)  You think that's going to stop me?

     (Ryoga crosses the distance quickly.  Ranma continues to pour
everything she has into the energy ball before her.  And then, just
before Ryoga reaches her...)
     (His legs give out on him.)

Ryoga     :(eyes widening in surprise.)  What?

     (He falls forward, uncontrollably, on top of Ranma.  She rolls
back beneath him, her feet smashing into his abdomen, her arms
pushing upwards, spread hands connecting solidly against his
sternum, yelling: )


     (There is a flash of brilliant light as Ranma simultaneously
kick upwards.  Ryoga goes flying up and over and away, smashing
into the dojo wall, Ranma's chi-attack blasting him _through_ the
     (Ranma slowly rolls over and, with great effort, hauls herself
to her feet.  She stumbles over the new hole in the wall and looks
out.  The pouring rain limits her vision, but she can't see Ryoga
anywhere.  She fails to notice the empty pile of clothing buried in
the mud beneath her.  With a heavy sigh, she turns and faces the

Ranma     :He... he's gone.  I win.  (Stops for a moment.)  Hey,
that's right!  I win!  I win!  (She jumps in the air, stumbles as
she lands, and falls on her rear.  She flops onto her back, shaking
with glee.)  Yahoo!  I WON!  I DID IT!

Nabiki    :Well it's about time, too.  Sure took you long enough. 
(With a snort, she turns away and walks out of the dojo.)

Genma     :(frowning at his son.)  It seems, son, that we will have
to increase your training, starting tomorrow morning!  You seem to
have slipped unforgivably in your fighting!  Sloppy, boy, very
sloppy.  (He flips up the hood on his raincoat and walks out of the
dojo.  Mr. Tendo follows behind him.)

     (Ranma stares after them incredulously.  Took his time? 
Slipped in his training?  He'd won!  Sloppy?  He'd applied
techniques he'd never even mastered before to good use!  He'd been
proud of using the Chestnut technique to speed up his punches - and
then hiding one of Colognes pressure-point techniques inside of it. 
And that chi-blast!  It had worked... it had really, really
     (And they weren't impressed?)
     (He suddenly realised he wasn't alone.)

Akane     :(walking over to him.)  Are you ok, Ranma?

Ranma     :Yeah.  (He tries to kippup, but fails and lands on his
back.  He extends his hand towards Akane.)  But would you mind
helping me up?

     (Akane looks surprised, but helps him up.  He sways for a
moment, then leans thankfully against Akane.  They begins to walk
towards the exit.)

Akane     :You look pretty rough.

Ranma     :Really?  Funny... I feel great.

     (They leave the dojo.  Behind them, a small little black pig
crawls into the dojo through the hole, it's hind legs not working
properly.  It squeals once in anger, waving one of it's legs in the
direction Ranma went... and then falling over without it's
     (And then, to P-Chan's outrage... the rain ends.)

     ***  To be continued...  ***