Subject: (Fwd) wr9.03 spellcheaked
From: "skywise" <>
Date: 7/30/1996, 7:45 PM

"" Japanese
<> English

Warped Reality 9.03

 Mouse looked down upon his prey, the thick red fog that had shrouded
 his mind for the last year evaporating  in the brilliant light of a
 noonday sun, forcing him to face what he had tried not to see. 
 Before him, kneeling in amidst a pool of blood was a young woman, her
 presence forcing him to remember it all.

 He remembered.  The pain of loosing shampoo forever.  The feeling of
 being helpless to stop her, paralyzed by the old ghouls touch.  The
 bitterness the sight of her happiness with Ranma caused.  The sink
 into despair and desperate need for vengeance that slowly took hold
 of his soul.  And most painfully he remembered Akane.  How she had
 saved him from himself, only to cause an even deeper depression after
 he realized what he had almost done.  Murder, he had recognized his
 own cowardice, he fled, running from the scene, from the
 consequences, from himself.  Looking up, the anguished stare from the
 wounded girl slammed into him, causing him to stumble back.  He
 recognized the anguished look on her face.  It was the very same one
 that he had worn when he realized that shampoo was never going to
 come back, when he lost the will to live and even the memory of why
 one should.  He stumbled back unable to escape those grief straiten
 blue eyes.  A moment later he was free, eye contact broken as she
 fell, unconscious.  Able to think clearly for the first time in ages
 he decided not again, I will not run again.  "Help!" at his yell four
 women started running to him, "These people need a doctor now!"

 Ignoring the strangled gasps the women let out as they saw the forms
 laying in a pool of blood, Mouse rushed forward, trying to see what
 he had done.  A quick glance showed that the girl would live, only
 the swelling on her arm suggested that something was wrong with her,
 reminding him of the sharp crack she had made at the bottom of the
 stairs.  As he looked towards the man, however, his thoughts turned
 to ice.  No, it cant be, it wont be, I will not be responsible for a
 death!  He knelt quickly at Canards side, noticing at once the blood
 coming from his mouth  and the knife wound in his chest.  He very
 carefully pulled the knife free, his mind strangely analytical. 
 Seeing no movement from Conrad, not even the hint of a response, his
 thoughts went to his training.  I must have punctured his lung, it
 would be the only vital organ that my blade could have reached at
 that angle, it also explains the blood at his mouth.  He knew what
 had to be done.  Ignoring the blood and gore, he forgot the outside
 world, everything except the formula he had been taught as a child. 
 Pump, pump, pump..... check for a pulse,  pinch the nose, ignore the
 blood, force air in, pause, again, pause, again.  No pulse? pump pump
 pump .... in what might have been seconds or years later his efforts
 were rewarded.  The slightest pulse and a shallow breath told him he
 had not lost.  Canards short gasping breaths as a man carefully
 placed him on a stretcher greater than any other prize he had ever

 Looking around for the first time, he wondered where he was.  I don't
 remember any of this.  The bright sun overhead illuminated a small
 park filled with people in uniforms running back and forth.  What
 happened to the restaurant?  Where am I?  Then his roving glance fell
 onto the bloody grass at his feet.  Its unimportant, he decided.  The
 only thing that is important is what I did, and what repercussions it
 might have on the lives of his innocent victims.   Glancing at the
 people surrounding him, he approached the one woman who exuded an air
 of command.  She was tall, with shoulderlength brown hair, and was
 wearing a white uniform bordered in blue.  As he approached she began
 to thank him for his actions in saving the mans life.  "No" he said,
 cutting her off, "It is my fault, I am the reason that they were hurt
 and must be punished."  Almost pleading with her to arrest him he
 continued "please I attacked them and it was all my fault/"

 "Mam, you can go in now.  He needs his rest though so you can only
 stay for a few minutes."  Doctor Fering said to Ami, as he lead her
 down the crisp, clean, antiseptic hospital corridor.  

 Ami rushed through the door, uncertain about what to expect.    The
 shock of seeing Con laying there, in bed and connected to various
 machines brought her to a stumbling halt.  Proceeding quietly, she
 tiptoed the rest of the way into the room.  Unwilling to disturb his
 sleeping form she sat down quietly in a chair next to the bed.  Her
 surprise was total when his eyes slowly opened and he softly began to
 speak.  <Ami, what happened, are you alight, where are we?>

 "I'm fine" she replied, "I only got a broken arm."  Lifting the heavy
 cast into his line of sight she continued, but we did it again."

 <Did what?> Con asked, trying to think clearly through the haze of
 drugs and pain that clouded his mind.  

 <Remember what happened on the way to the theater?> She asked.  <Its
 happened again, and this time I know where we are.> She quickly
 continued before he could ask the obvious question. "We got taken to
 the Macross Con.  Somehow during the fight we got taken to the

 <Huh?> Con responded blearily <got to go, the Zentradi are gon blow
 up....>and fell asleep again.  The exhaustion and drugs combined
 overcoming his willpower, plunging him back into darkness.  

 Leaving Conrad to rest in his room Ami left his room and had started
 down the hall towards the nurses station when she saw a woman dressed
 in a uniform.  Recognizing Lisa(what's here Japanese name as that is
 what Ami will be using) and realizing why she was most likely here
 she quickly stepped through the first door she saw, and tried to
 listen to what she was saying.  

 ".... so what it all comes down to you see it that we have absolutely
 no records on any of them.  I need to go talk to them at once and
 find out what is going on."  she overheard Lisa saying.  

 Uh oh Ami thought, this could be bad.  How are we going to explain
 our presence here?  I need to get us some records and soon.  As she
 started to mentally list all of the things that she would have to
 fabricate she almost missed a perfect opportunity, looking up just in
 time to catch the tail end of their conversation.  

 "Well, I will have to go get permission from Dr. Fearing for you to
 go see him.  He is in really bad shape, and I don't know if he is
 allowed to take visitors right now."  The nurse said as she stood up
 and started down the hall, her back to Ami.  

 "Well he better let me in to see him, this could be very important."
 Lisa said, following as the nurse lead her towards the doctors

 Nows my chance, Ami thought.  Swiftly running to the nurses station,
 she sat down at the computer and got to work.  Hearing voices
 approaching five minutes later she quickly saved her work set the
 screen back to where she had found it and quietly snuck down a side
 hall.  Yes, that should cover us for now, she thought.  With any luck
 I will be able to do the same thing to civilian computerbase as well.

 Looking in on Conrad, Dr. Fearing said "I am sorry Commander but he
 is in no condition to be questioned right now, you will have to come
 back later." looking over his shoulder he said "Nurse please print
 out a file on patients Ami Mizuno and Conrad Borsting."  Turning back
 to Commander Hayes he went on "Have you tried talking to Miss Mizuno
 yet?  I believe that she was just here if you hurry you might be able
 to catch her before she goes home."

 "If she even has a home" Lisa muttered under her breath.   

 "What was that mam?" asked the nurse as she handed Lisa two files
 full of papers.

 "Oh nothing" Lisa said dismissively.  As she walked down the hall
 glancing at the stack of papers in her arms.  Hm I wonder what
 happened to our records? she thought, they seem to be on file here at
 the hospital.  Slipping the papers into her briefcase she continued
 on to her last stop, the city achieve office.  

shade and sweet water 
member of AFSS
Warped Reality