Subject: _Dark Chronicles_ -- SM question
From: (Craig)
Date: 6/22/1996, 2:20 AM

Hello again,
	For those still interested, I haven't (completely) abandoned this
thing, although the minimal response (though not responses, all three of which
were more than appreciated) to my posting it has ensured that it has been
given a very low priority and will probably not continue passed the next
chapter should I have no incentive to keep going.  The apparent collapse of
RAAC is also not exactly inspiring, that coupled with my inability to find a
decent working title - _Dark Chronicles_ is *sickeningly* cliched and
basically pathetic.
	Ok, on to the SM question.
	Having decided, after careful consideration, to use both sets of
Senshi (despite reading _Reality Check_, which happened to use more or less
every cross-reality idea I had intended to include :( (discounting its basic
premise of course) - ah well), I need some help with matching names, places
and abilities, having seen only bits of that American dub thing and no
	I've made a partial list below and would very much appreciate

Note:	`??????' means `what the hell is the name of the character,
	place, thing in this version?' :)
	`(?)' means `non-canonical (at least partial fanfic creation
	and so to be very much avoided)?'
Japanese and Original Translation	American Dub
			Character Names
Tsukino Usagi/Princess Serenity		Serena ??????/Princess ??????
Luna					Luna
Mizuno Ami				Amy Anderson
Hino Rei				Raye Hino
Kino Makoto				Lita ??????
Aino Minako				Mina ??????
Artemisu (?)				Artemis
?????? Haruka				?????? ??????
?????? Michiru				?????? ??????
Meiou Setsuna (?)			?????? ??????
Chiba Mamoru/Endymion			Darien ??????/Prince Darien
Osaka Naru				Molly Baker
Chibi-Usa				Reenie
Haruna Sakurada				Patricia Haruna
Tsukino Shingo				Sammy ??????
Gurio Umino				Melvin ??????
Furuhata Motoki				Andrew ??????
Kumada Yuuichiro				Chad ??????
Beryl					Beryl
Metalia					?????? / Negaforce
Youma					??????
			Place Names
Juuban Junior high			Crossroads Junior high
Hikawa Jinja				Cherry Hill Shrine
Moon Kingdom				Moon Kingdom
Dark Kingdom				Negaverse <Gods, did they have to!!!>
??????					Silver Millennium
Ginzuishou				Silver Emperium Crystal
Nijizuishou				Rainbow Crystals
??????					Moon Sceptre
??????					Moon Tiara
??????					Star Locket
??????					Luna Pens <I particularly
						  loathed this one>
??????					Disguise Pen <and this>
??????					'Disguise Power'
'moon Tiara Action'			'Moon Tiara Magic'
'Moon Princess Halation'		'Moon sceptre elimination'
'Moon Healing Escalation'		'Moon Healing Activation'
??????					'Moon Cosmic Power'
'Shabon Spray'				'Mercury Bubbles Blast'
'Shining Aqua Illusion'			??????
'Fire Soul'				'Mars Fire Ignite'
'Burning Mandala'			'Mars Celestial Fire Surround'
'Sparkling Wind Pressure'		'Jupiter Thunder Crash'
'Supreme Thunder'			'Jupiter Thunderbolt Zap'
'Venus Love-me Chain'			'Venus Crescent Beam Smash'
	Well, that's all I have.  Having not seen the Manga I've had to derive
the Japanese and original translations *entirely* from fanfic.  I imagine
there are a tremendous number of mistakes and omissions and I would very much
appreciate any help.  Also I need any info anyone can give me concerning the
outer Senshi (don't worry about spoilers) and any info concerning
personality/continuity differences between the original and the dub.

Thanks again for any help,