Subject: [FanFic] Ranma no Imooto Pt. 2
From: Hibiki Ryoga
Date: 4/29/1996, 4:21 AM

[Part 2]

YES!  It's...
    Yet Another Ranma Fanfic!

-- Ranma no Imooto --

by Jeremy Blackman <>

Part 2  "Idol Crisis"
[It is late afternoon or early evening - the sun is just
 beginning to set.  We see a girl with a school bag outlined
 against the sun as she walks along a fence.  It is MICHIKO.]

MICHIKO Gee, I wish Ranko-sempai and Akane had waited for me.
        But I suppose they had no way of knowing I'd have to
        stay late.  Man, that's a drag, being late to class on
        the first day and having to stand in the hall...didn't
        even have anyone to talk to... [she stops, noticing
        something up ahead.]

KUNOU   [from in the shadows by the base of the fence] And the
        samurai spirit takes a female form, brought down by the
        gods to grace this unworthy one's life...greetings,
        fellow warrior.

MICHIKO [squinting against sun to see who it is] ... [KUNOU steps
        forward, into view] Oh, it's you.  Back for another beating?
        [she is once more holding a katana blade, which glints in the

KUNOU   No, I come to ask you a question...

MICHIKO ... ?  Where's your sword?

KUNOU   [gives a small laugh] For this battle, I have no need.

MICHIKO You'll fight me without a sword?  What sort of battle is this?

KUNOU   A battle of the heart...

MICHIKO [in shock] Wha..!

KUNOU   Having been granted grudging permission to woo you I now come to ask
        you if you will date me?

MICHIKO Permission...?  From who?

KUNOU   Your brother, Ranma Saotome.

MICHIKO [looks excited] know my brother?  When did you see him last?

KUNOU   [looks puzzled] Today, at school, as always.  [he shrugs]  No matter.
        I must leave, but take this as a token of my love.  [he pulls out
        a bouquet of flowers, and notices something.  He removes a black
        rose from the bouquet and tosses it aside, muttering something about
        insane sisters, then hurls the bouquet at MICHIKO]  Farewell, until
        the next time our pathes are fated to cross, beloved warrior.

MICHIKO [staring after KUNOU in shock, holding the bouquet she caught by
        reflex] What the...?  [she sinks down to the fence, but nearly
        falls off into the water on one side, and instead ends up clinging
        to the fence.]  Yipe! [thought to self]  My brother...
[Back at the Tendou dojo, we see RANMA and GENMA in their room.
 RANMA is sitting on the floor, talking to GENMA, who leans
 against a wall.]

RANMA   It wasn't my idea!  But Kunou will be sure to mention that he
        had 'my permission' to date with her, and she'll find out he
        sees me at school every day...and Michiko's sure to tell mom...

GENMA   You've caused a lot of trouble, boy...

RANMA   [glaring at GENMA] Who's the one who forgot to mention the fact
        I had a sister?  Among other little omissions throughout the

GENMA   [getting angry] I do not need to explain myself to you!  Everything
        I've done, I've done for the sake of your training, Ranma!  If I told
        you my reason for every action, I would never have the time to train
        you to be a true martial artist like myself!  [RANMA rolls his eyes]
        Do you not believe me?  Here, let me tell you about my own training.
        Your training is mild by comparison!  Why I even had to...

RANMA   [tosses a handily available bucket of water at GENMA] ...

PANDA   [taking a stance like someone lecturing.  Motioning with his
        arms at various times] ... growf snort growl grumf growf snort
        growl grumf grumf growf snort growf snort snort growf grumf...
        [Notices RANMA trying not to laugh]  GROWF! Grumf grolf grunf
        snort GROWL grumf growf!! [suddenly realizes he's a panda as he
        hears the door downstairs open] Grompf... [he glares at RANMA and
        sits down and begins playing with a tire]

KASUMI  [voice from downstairs] Ranko?  I think she's upstairs...

RANMA   [thought] Oh, no... [grabs a bucket of water and dumps it on his
        head...instant female]

MICHIKO [bursting through the door] Hey, Ranko-sempai!  Mother told me to
        ask you and Akane-sempai to show me around the town, since we'll
        be staying for a while.  [She looks at RANKO with big, adoring eyes]
        You don't mind, do you?

RANKO   [sweat bead, one hand behind head]  Haha, no, of course not!

MICHIKO Oh, good!  Let's go find Akane-sempai!  [she heads out the door,
        pulling RANKO along with her]

RANKO   [mouthed at the panda] Help!

PANDA   [on sign] Have a fun time, Ranko-chan! [waving]

RANKO   [mouthed at panda as she's pulled all the way out the door]
        I'll get you, pop...
[RANKO, AKANE, and MICHIKO are wandering around downtown Nerima.
 RANKO and AKANE look vaguely worried.  MICHIKO is talking.]

RANKO   [thought] If Ukyou or Shampoo shows up...

MICHIKO ... and he said he saw my brother today.  He said he sees him
        EVERY day!  That means I can just follow you guys to school
        tomorrow, I'm sure mother wouldn't mind if I'm late to my
        classes, if I can find Ranma and then father.

RANKO   [stops dead in her tracks, a look of panic on her face] ...

AKANE   Ahh....

MICHIKO I mean, we've looked for years, and to be this close...
        [she does a little skip and turns around to face RANKO and
        AKANE] It's so exiting!!

RANKO   [still standing there, thinking to self] I'm dead I'm dead I'm
        dead I'm dead I'mdeadI'mdead...

MICHIKO [notices RANKO] Hey, ok?

AKANE   She's just worried about...ah, an assignment in class...

RANKO   [snapping out of it]  Uh, yeah...BIG report, really nasty, really

MICHIKO Boy, I'm glad I'm in Jr. High.  [She places her hands behind her head
        and continues walking]  I'm hungry.  [looks over at restaraunt]  Is
        this place any good?  We could go in there...

        [looking at sign, "Ucchan's"] Ah...

MICHIKO I'm gonna go in.  [she does]

AKANE   [following] Oh no...

RANKO   [standing outside, unsure of what to do]  Aigh.  My life is a mess.
        [she goes inside as well]
[The inside of Ucchan's.  AKANE, RANKO, and MICHIKO all stand near the
 doorway.  Nearby, UKYOU KOUNJI is serving various customers.]

UKYOU   [noticing the new arrivals] Ran-chan!  Akane!  How are you?
        [noticing MICHIKO] And you are..?

AKANE   Hi, Ukyou.  RanKO [deliberate emphasis] and I are showing Michiko

UKYOU   [glancing at AKANE, then comprehending the emphasis] Oh, right.
        Hello, Michiko, nice to meet you!  [glance at RANKO] Could I speak
        with you for a moment?

RANKO   [being dragged back into kitchen by UKYOU]  It's not what you think...

MICHIKO [to AKANE] Those two know each other, I take it?

[RANKO and UKYOU, back in the kitchen.  UKYOU hauls RANKO against the counter.]

UKYOU   Ok, Ran-chan.  Talk.  Who is she?

RANKO   Well, she showed up the other day, and...

UKYOU   [interrupting] ARGH, this is your father's fault, isn't it?

RANKO   [nods] Well, yes...

UKYOU   He ALWAYS makes trouble.

RANKO   Well, YES...

UKYOU   Engaging you to ANOTHER girl...

RANKO   [facefaults] No, no no...


RANKO   No, she's not another fiancee.

UKYOU   Well, what is she then?

RANKO   Something far far more dangerous.

UKYOU   MORE dangerous than me killing you over another fiancee?
        [holding large spatula]

RANKO   [pales slightly] Ah, yes.  She's, younger sister.

UKYOU   [drops spatula on floor] S-sister..?

RANKO   Yeah.  Which means if she finds out the mother will

UKYOU   Yikes.  But I never knew you had a sister.  How come you never
        told me, Ran-chan?

RANKO   I didn't _KNOW_ until she showed up...I was too young to remember
        and dad didn't figure it was important enough to tell me.

UKYOU   Your father has interesting ideas.

RANKO   Don't I know it.  Well, Michiko is hungry, and I think I could do
        with some food too, so I'll get back out to the tables...

UKYOU   [nods]  Ok, I'll be right out to take your orders.
[RANKO, AKANE and MICHIKO are leaving Ucchan's.]

MICHIKO Wow, that was good okonomiyaki!  So, you've been friends with
        Ukyou for years, huh, Ranko-sempai?

RANKO   Ah, yeah.

MICHIKO [smiling] Gee, I really like it here.  When I find my dad and
        brother, everything will be perfect!

RANKO   [weak laugh] Yeah, perfect...eheh he he...[large sweat bead]

AKANE   Ah, we should be heading back to the dojo soon, I think Ranko and
        I both have homework to do.

RANKO   But Akane, I never do my h-- [breaks off as AKANE stomps her foot.]
        Ow!..ah, yeah, right, homework.

MICHIKO Oh, ok.  I'll walk back with you guys.

[They all walk in silence for a little bit, then MICHIKO speaks again.]

MICHIKO Hey, you two have had some experience with guys, I think, right?
        [turns to RANKO, that slightly adoring look in her eyes again]
        I'm sure Ranko knows a LOT about boys.

RANKO   [BIG sweat bead] Ah, yeah...eheheh, you know me...

AKANE   [thought] If you only knew...

MICHIKO If someone gives you flowers, what does that mean?

RANKO   Well, it depends on who it is.

MICHIKO A boy you met.

AKANE   It probably means he likes you.

MICHIKO What if you don't like him?

RANKO   Tell him that.

MICHIKO What if you don't think he'll accept that?

AKANE   Who are you talking about?

MICHIKO That guy I met on the way to school.


RANKO   Ah, no...he WON'T take no for an answer.  Akane and I have tried.
        You'll just have to put up with him...

MICHIKO Geez, I gotta fight him EVERY morning? [looks disgusted]

RANKO   [without thinking] Well, yeah, unless he's trying to fight Akane or
        me...he never wins.

MICHIKO [adoring look in eyes, AGAIN.  This time AKANE notices it]
        Wow, beat up Kunou every morning?

RANKO   [suddenly remembering she's RANKO, not RANMA] Ah, yeah...

AKANE   [thought] Oh, dear...I don't like that look in her eyes
        [spoken, without thinking] Yeah, but Ranma's the one who fights
        Kunou the most.

MICHIKO Wow, my brother beats that guy up each morning?


MICHIKO That means all I have to do is not knock him out tomorrow and
        follow him to school and when he fights my brother, I can find him!

RANKO   [thought] What did I do to deserve this??

AKANE   Ah, there's the dojo...we'll be heading in, see you at dinner, Michiko.
        [grabs RANKO and steers her throught the front gate]

MICHIKO [thought] Wow...if I had an older sister, too, I'd want one like
        Ranko...she's cool!
[Dinner at the Tendou Dojo.  Once again, Kasumi and Michiko are
 serving the dinner, and a very morose looking panda is staring at
 his canned panda food in a bright plastic dish.]

PANDA   Growf grumf...[a tear drips into the food dish as he glances
        longingly at the main table]


NABIKI  So, how was your first day of school?

MICHIKO [beginning on her rice] Oh, it was pretty good.

NABIKI  Meet any interesting boys?

MICHIKO [stops eating, large sweat bead on her head] Ah...

NODOKA  Any word on when Ranma and Genma will be returning from that
        training mission?

MICHIKO [looking up at NODOKA] I forgot to tell you...I talked to someone
        who saw Ranma today, at school.  So they must be back!

NODOKA  How odd...and they're not at the dojo.

[PANDA and RANKO both 'ulp']

MICHIKO Anyway, Akane-sempai and Ranko-sempai showed me around!  [looks
        over at RANKO with an adoring look in her eyes]  They know the
        coolest places around here, I know I'm going to like living here.

RANKO   [nods weakly] ...

NODOKA  [thought] Well, I'm glad Michiko has found a friend, even if she
        appears to be idolizing them.  She needs someone to take the place
        of her brother for now...

MICHIKO Ranko and Akane are my best friends, I know they'll help us find
        Ranma and father!

RANKO   [nods weakly again] Of course... [large sweat bead]

AKANE   Ah, yes, of course!

PANDA   [still staring at food] Growf..grumpf...[tears begin to drip into his
        food dish as he gazes longingly at RANKO's dinner]
[End Part 2]