Subject: Re: [FanFic] REPOST: Ranma1/2 "Lies"
From: Nightelf
Date: 4/19/1996, 5:47 PM
To: fanfic@FANFIC.COM

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996 14:34:41 -0400 Ranma al'Thor <>TRAI
On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Kergma wrote:

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, White Wolf wrote:

In A Stranger In a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein proposed that laughter
is the human response to pain.  At the root of humor, could be an insult,
or a tragedy, or some other form of human misery.  Laughing is how we
keep it from hurting so much.  Explains how the truly depressed can laugh
hysterically, huh?

Find at least 10 jokes that don't involve someone or something being
humiliated in one way or another.

Why did the Chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.

My local Denny's advertises Breakfast Any Time.
So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.

The local Drivein had a sign that says "Adults $5.00, Children $2.50."
I've always wanted children, so I told them I'd like two boys and a girl.

I bought a coffee table yesterday.  It's decaffinated.

I used to work at a place that makes "No Parking signs", but I had to
quit because I couldn't find anywhere to park.

I came home one night and accidentally put my car key in the front door
of my apartment building. The engine started up, so I decided to take it
out for a drive.

My upstairs neighbor makes artifical hairballs for ceramic cats.

I decided to paint my house, so I went down to Sherwin Williams and
bought some used paint in the shape of my house....

I couldn't find my socks this morning, so I called Information.  She told
me they had fallen down under the bed.

I got in an elevator the other day, then noticed one of the buttons said
"Phoenix", so I pushed it to see what would happen.  The elevator moved
for a while, then the doors opened and two tumbleweeds blew in. I got out
and was in Phoenix.

There's this button in my house that doesn't do anything.  Well, I
thought it didn't.  So I used to push it periodically, just for fun.  One
day I got a letter from this lady in West Germany:  "Will you please stop

I used to live in a house powered by static electricity.  To get the
toaster to work, you had to rub balloons on your head.  To get the
microwave to work, one of us had to keep putting on and taking off a

Frankly, I think that as usual, Heinlein was full of shit.  The core of
humor isn't pain, it's incongruity...the reversal of expectations.  Yes,
this can often involve pain, but can just as often involve puns, word
play, and unexpected events.

%% Its hard isn't it?  And if you've thought of 10, examine them more
%% closely.  And if you don't grok any of this, the joke is on you.

No, actually it's rather easy.

Golf clap, everybody?   *clapclapclapclapclapclapclap*

P.S.  Avoid the clap.

in a mood for really bad puns


Shampoo2:  I don't get it.

Nodoka:  So what else is new?

John Walter Biles :  MA-History, Ph.D Wannabe at U. Kansas

If you've ever watched the game warden through a gun sight...
    You might be a redneck.