Subject: Re: [FanFic] The COMFY Chair!!!
From: Matthew Trotter
Date: 4/6/1996, 11:36 AM

On Sat, 6 Apr 1996, The Chaotic Trickster wrote:

On Sat, 6 Apr 1996, evilmousse & crew wrote:

<glare that could melt stone>. Excuse me, Chris, but there are others of us
besides Sage who are on the #Ranma! channel. Maybe you should come and take
a look before you lump us all together.

John "Firehawke" Peasley    

me: HEY!!!! you just KILLED my pet rock "eric"!!!! APOLOGIZE!
    ...and i was just going to buy a rock liscense.
GOjoel: a what?
me: a liscense. for my pet rock eric.
GOjoel: my name's not eric!
me: noonono. the rock's name is eric. he's an haliberd.
GOjoel: a what?

        -"a-lah dee dee, 123, eric the half a bee" evilmousse & crew

<a 16 ton weight crushes mousse>

another python fan! ;)

                The Chaotic Trickster -

Man: You know I have noticed that since entering into this thread there 
     has been a noticable lack of, well, chairs.
Man2: Yes, I too have noticed the rather sparce furnishings myself.
Man: In fact it is not just the lack of chairs, but the tendency for this 
     thread to be, well, not at all comfy.
Man2: My thoughts exactly.  I think this thread may be complete ... 
      (checks fo vikings) . . . spam.
Chaotic Trickster: I didn't expect a spamish inquisition.


trotter: Nobody expects the spamish inquisition!  Our chief weapon is 
         replies.  Over quoting and replies.  Our two weapons are over 
         quoting and replies, and abusive .sig characters.  Our three 
         weapons are abusive .sig characters, over quoting, replies and nice 
         red uniforms oh damn.  

Matthew Trotter, crushed by a large foot.