Subject: Re: [FanFic] 12...
From: Andy Skuse
Date: 3/22/1996, 9:20 PM

At 07:54 PM 22/3/96 -0500, Jeanne Hedge wrote:

Bert said:
Hitomi said:

I said:
Hitomi also does *this* about once a month <g>

Ok, ok.  So I don't beleive in myself as a writer.  Can you blame me?  I
make so many mistakes...

Hitomi, you don't want to know how many mistakes I have to correct at
times. Ask Jeanne.  ;)

You guys just write too fast.  Try it *my* way sometime.  Take 3 months to
write (roughly) 25 pages, which is the length of the entire story.  Have the
story finished and ready to go to RAAS.  Then change your mind, and
re-write the entire final 1/3 of the story and change bits and pieces of
the >rest, taking (what's going to end up being) 3 more months to do that.

3 MORE MONTHS??!! <sigh><g>

You have *plenty* of time to catch your own mistakes that way... and you
*still* find more later <g>

And more later, and later, and later . . . <g>


Member of The F.A.A.  - Protectorate of The Anything Goes Martial Band
"Bubblegum Cross" & "The Dark Traveler"
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