Subject: Re: Comments and Commentary on Passion Spice ... ?
Date: 2/27/1996, 1:13 PM

<this comes after MW's spraying of the ML with Ultra-Hentai Serum>

Foxtrot jumped up and shook her head.  "What's with all the green stuff?  It
penetrated my shield like it was acid.  Now it's settling over me.  What the ..."
Suddenly lots of lemony thoughts come rushing through her mind.  She jerks 
upright and starts to preen on all fours like a fox.  The sounds of 
dogs howling can be heard in the background.

"Oh no, she's gone into heat, and I can't stop her!" a voice yells in the 
distance.  "Someone stop her!"

Foxtrot bounds off in search, the voice yelling incoherently behind her.
"White Wolf" she pants as she runs towards the party as the baying of the dogs
gets closer.

Foxtrot the Furryous
...I'm half fox, what did you expect?