Subject: Re: [FanFic] Pathetic plea plus Careful Destiny comment
From: Harold Ancell
Date: 2/8/1996, 8:15 PM

   Date: Thu, 08 Feb 1996 10:50:44 -0800 (PST)
   From: Nagisa Kanou <>

   On Thu, 8 Feb 1996, Harold Ancell wrote:

   > Careful Destiny 1 is wonderful, but the ending doesn't quite work for
   > me; something else is required, perhaps a response by Akane....  Or
   > perhaps Ranma should ask her out on a date....

   Er... isn't Akane in a state of shock and sadness? If not for the 
   blundering Kuno, then for herself.  Why would ANYONE ask a crying sobbing
   girl for a date at that moment? (btw, if I'm commenting on the wrong 
   fanfic, please don't scream. ^_^)

Right fanfic; I don't know *how* to pull that off (that's why I
forwarded the idea to the whole list), but with perhaps with some
re-writing it could be pulled off.  I do think *something* needs to be
added to the ending.

   > If you want to transition into the more familiar relationship style,
   > you could have for Akane an internal drama where her knight in shining
   > armor becomes an imperfect human being.  Working in a sort of romantic
   > encounter or tryst between Ranma and Akane before the fight would help
   > that (but would change chapter 1 a fair amount).

   Hmm....  Something about family honour... and perhaps integrity... and just
   mayby a bit of loyalty... those things count. And last time I checked, 
   Akane was not lacking in those areas.  Cooking ability maybe, but not the 
   above.  Even if she saw her "knight" as being flawed as a ruby after 
   sandblasting, she'd stick by him.  She wouldn't give up on someone.  

That's for sure, but she could transition from being submissive and
depressed to angry and otherwise in lots better emotional shape.  She
wouldn't give up, but she could start expressing her affection violently :-)

Let me put it this way, if she stays submissive, Ranma is going to use
that 2nd wish....  And him giving her the space and encouragement to
be angry is one of the best things he could do for her.

					- Harold