Subject: Re: [FanFic] Hello
From: Michael White
Date: 2/4/1996, 7:29 PM

On Sun, 4 Feb 1996, Neoculture wrote:

Ignore this fool.  My word is law here.

Hey, I don't mind whose word is law...  I just wish somebody'd tell me 
what they though of my fanfics.  I posted two last week, but so far not a 
murmur.  Not even a "Egads, what *is* that?".

Hey, I read'em all before! I *already* told you I liked them!

FWIW, I liked them again... :)

In any case, I'm in the same boat. ::Looks around:: Could it be.. Macross 

Oh well, no news is good news - so I'll keep on flooding this list with 
Robotech Fanfic (and a non-RBT Fanfic every so often, just to keep people 
on their toes)  8^P

Well, I for one look forward to reading them.

								- MW

       \\  /*MW*/*MW*/*MW*/  Michael White  \*MW*\*MW*\*MW*\  //
	 //      "Besides your looks, what have *you*	    \\
	//           contributed lately?" - Rand	     \\
       //     "Look beyond your eyes with your song..."       \\