Subject: Re: [FanFic] Sailor Moon Future #1
From: Scott Johnson
Date: 1/5/1996, 5:36 PM

On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, Sailor Gallifrey wrote:

	A serious Sailor Moon fanfic?  What?  Are you crazy?  SM is a 
parody in its own right--have fun with it!  Yikes.

To me, one of the best things about Sailor Moon is the way it can be both 
serious and humorous by turns.  You can have a touching, even traumatic 
episode one week (Nephrite's death, for instance, or the finale episodes 
of the first series) and then have an utterly hilarous episode not much 
later (Zoisite chasing Red Battler, or far too many others to list.)  I'm 
currently working on a fanfic, _Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Comet Kohoutek_, 
that takes full advantage of this - early episodes are quite humorous, 
and there's an undertone of humor throughout, but it gets _really_ nasty 
towards the end.  (Note: it's not ready for the list yet, but when it is, 
I'll be posting it.)  For an example of a good serious Sailor Moon 
fanfic, check out _Sailor Moon Ace_ - good characterizations, much 
mystery, nice flashes of humor from time to time, but all in all a quite 
serious, quite good story.

Scott Johnson |  "Sailor Prism Power - Cosmetics!"  |              -Sailor Comet Kohoutek