Subject: Re: [fanfic] ARGH!!! - Show your age
Date: 11/11/1995, 11:47 AM
To: <>, "Ben L. Harrison" <>

>From Ben Harrison:

(Ok -who, besides me, saw it the first time it was on the big screen?  Show
your age...)  :)

OK me, I had been in the Navy about 2 years or so (I retire in January 96)

and also from Ben Harrison:

We younger members went to bed.  However we got back up at  zero-dark-hundred
for the actual landing.  I can still remember my father cheering at 
Base here.  The Eagle has landed"

Which message is really from who? I'm dying to know who is the least 
likely candidate for being called a pipsqueak on this list.


(As for me, I was probably watching from the crib)